Making Dynamic Maps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by A Space 0strich, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    You'd be surprised by the actual amount of maps that had dynamic objects that affected gameplay (or made you acknowledge they were there), and by the way dynamic doesn't just mean objects that move, but also objects that change state. (such as a switch).

    Ascension (Moving antenna pieces)
    Midship (Center floating piece which could be shot down)
    Ivory Tower/Reflection (elevator lift)
    Colossus (crates that move along conveyor belts)
    Zanzibar/Last Resort (moving fanblade, Zanzibar also had the gate that could be opened)
    Containment (switches which opened the gates to each base)
    Elongation (Large moving crates)
    Relic (switch to open up teleporter into base)
    Terminal (forementioned moving train of death)
    Construct (floating platform which again can be shot down)
    High Ground (switch opens gate to base)
    Sandtrap (if you call the elephants a dynamic feature...they were only on this map, plus a landmine system that kills you if you stray to far outside the map)
    Snowbound (laser system that shoots you if you stray to far outside the map)
    Standoff (pretty sure it had a switch....)
    Sandbox (lasers of death)

    (Any maps not on this list probably had birds or things outside the map moving about)

    And as far as Halo Reach goes...really nothing, no switches or moving objects of any kind....bit strange really.

    I mean as Stevo said, they were kind of annoying and the "cool" factor wears off but just surprising that a good half of halo 2 maps had either moving parts or switches and maybe a third of halo 3 maps had moving parts/switches (or a death system to stop you from straying outside the map), but no Reach map has any of that. Closest thing to any dynamic like effect (and Halo CE's sidewinder had ice patches that affected your vehicles movement) on Reach would be the tiny amounts of space on Anchor 9/Zealot...
    #21 PacMonster1, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011
  2. A Space 0strich

    A Space 0strich Forerunner

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    exactly, what I think is the ideal map is a map with dynamic ascetics and also dynamic gamechanger. Picture this. Your team charges over a hill while an entrenched enemy takes potshots from below. You drop into cover and watch as one by one your team is picked off as their cover crumbles around them. You call for some backup from the base and they hit the button for an airstrike. A falcon screams over head and mortars rain from above causing the enemy to drop in to cover of their own. They may have survived (unless they have a great lack of situational awareness) but you have time to retreat. Your team respawns and base informs you a tank is ready for airdrop. You group at the landing pad and the tank is dropped from above. Meanwhile you see the enemy charge towards the base. After giving the teammates within a warning you begin to cause a distraction for the enemy. They don't see the minefield pop into existance. Boom. You have succesfully used dynamic objects to prevent a defeat. All of these could be countered.The airstrike can be avoided by dropping into skyward cover. A well timed rocket takes out the tank and several of the enemy and firing a burst into the minefield allows you to safely cross untill the mine option returns to the people inside the base. Noobs can be easily defeated by coordination and the airsrtikes, mines ect. Though potent. Do not garuntee victory. That is what I aim to achieve with dynamic maps. The sort of things you would only see in campaign brought into the multiplayer environment. Oh and by the way. All of the above (including the falcon flying over to drop an airstike) are possible to make in forge with min, max, values and modified spawn times.
  3. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    ^ just described a combination of CoD and Battlefield o_O That will never happen in halo games.

    What might be added in future maps, though doubtful, is more moving objects or switches. Maybe another invasion map where someone has to actually press a switch to open the base door to get to the core, or maybe a map with something aesthetic that moves such as a crane, or crates on a conveyor like past maps. That is within the realm of what is consistent for Bungie. Destructible cover and "calling" in air-strikes not so much.
    #23 PacMonster1, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011
  4. A Space 0strich

    A Space 0strich Forerunner

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    Everything I wrote in the map description is possible with forge. And the airstrike is in a fixed preset location as is the tank. The radio is for ascetics. Even destructible cover. As a matter of fact. The destructible cover is the most difficult thing to make out of the above scenarios.

    Edited by merge:

    Has anyone found any more ways to make objects move. Oh and I tried out velodrome. The bridge was tons of fun. Really good map.
    #24 A Space 0strich, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2011
  5. Activistfall32

    Activistfall32 Forerunner

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    why not keep it dynamic and equal. Granted you cant give them the tools to play and noobs and win but you cant make it too soft. So why not have an idea like velodrome, bridge building whatever but have the button to do it in open ground and have turrets or weapons to allow the team going for the gamechanger to attempt to stop the opposing team of blowing them sky high. And as for the tanks being dropped could you not in an invasion match have a tank or armoury in the air held sligthly above the ground in a box, when phase 1 ends the walls dissapear and teh tank is therefore dropped in. To make this work you need a motive for the teams to want it, armoury, vechile etc etc, then give a way to stop the team when there close. however you have to force a situation where both teams need to work tactically to stop or reach the motive. Buttons to blow them should be in a postition where hte other team can shoot them. And to make dynamic maps like the nuke outside if you do it in ffa make a good spot and 1 entrance the roof where you can push fusion coils into man cannons to stop the advance of other players. But dont so much cover on hte roof that he cant be shot. Make him switch between bottom and top floor. Also only add close range weapons so once the other players get out of reach of the man cannons he can use SKILL to keep his sopt. Respawns on the outside of the map. In fact i shall be trying a king of the hill variant of that where the hill is a bunker with the fusion coil/man cannon defense on it. I will post it into this map and im making a particulary juicy assault and team slayer map. I will post any dynamic maps i make.
  6. A Space 0strich

    A Space 0strich Forerunner

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    for the tank why not just set the tank to spawn after the first phase ends. the airdrop idea is so you only have a tank when you need it and it isnt sitting around waiting to be stolen
  7. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    Dynamic is good in some sense i like the idea of having things going on around me. Like in MW2 spec ops when you do a couple of missions you can see pedestrains running in fear. I think they could of done that in multiplayer and people would enjoy it but it would give try hard another reason to blame for the fail.
  8. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    For me it was the people sniping from the hidden recesses on the upper level. You had to scope them first otherwise they saw you and you were dead.

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