hey the penguin is back and i want to ask forgehub for some tips on how to build CTF,assault and stockpile maps because ive tried everything and still can't get the game type to work with my map like i built a CTF map but you couldnt score the flag for some reason.
I'll help you out in steps: Step 1. Never change the default font, I hate having to highlight text to read it. Step 2. Look up how to set up the objectives with advanced settings, you can find the here. Step 3. If you want the game to be fun, make sure it's balanced. Step 4 (optional). You could just use the Search Bar, this is the exact reason why it was invented, as there are many threads asking the same basic question.
If you want some instant reference on how to implement gametypes, just load up one of Bungie's maps and see how they did it. If not then here is a quick quide I made. CTF-Place down three Flag Post and change the settings to CTF_Flag_Return_Zone. Then change the team setting on two of these Flag post to either Red or Blue. Assault- Instead of Flag post, you will have to use Hill Marker and place a Capture Plate below two of these Hill Makers. For the Hill Markers, set them for Assault_Bombs and their apporiate team settings. For the Capture Plates, simply set them for Assualt_Bomb Goal and their appropriate team names. Stockplie-Last but not least, Stockpile. For this one you will need to place down a Hill Marker for each team,(Red,Blue,Green and Orange) and set each of them to STP_Goal. For the flags just place them down wherever you like, (Five or more is ideal) and set them all of STP _FLAG. Note: If you want to play SpeedFlag, then you'll have to do the exact same thing but with slightly different names.
thanks for the tips only thought you needed a hill marker and a capture plate for assault and i will try not to have my text not so bright