Alrighty, over the time on Forgehub, I've seen some pretty sweet sigs people have made there selfs. Now my question is, how do they do it? Do you need a program, or is it a website you got to use? Any replys would be awesome, or even tuts! Thanks in advance.
Requesting move to Graphics and Arts(forum above this one). And yes, a typical program used to create signatures is Photoshop CS3 or CS4. I personally recommend it.
Yep. And if you're really interested in making them, the graphics section has some great GFX artists who'll give you the advice you need to get started. Have a great day, my good sir.
since its not moved yet, ill just tell you know. You eithor hve to torrent photoshop, or get a great little gem called Gimp 2.6. free-download here!!! Easy tutorials to folow