Making a competitive map forge team!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by icycoolx, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. icycoolx

    icycoolx Promethean

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    Me and my buddy are trying to make a forge team of maybe 15 forgers. We make competitive maps ONLY and we make MLG, CTF, BTB, Slayer, and etc. If you are interested in this then go ahead and take a look down below. Also we are looking for people to help us with gametype settings. We may have 1 or two people do mini games as a way to get people try out our competitive maps. However, we do not make mini games or infection maps.

    Requirements -

    Your age has to be 17 or older

    You must be able to make good quality conversation while forging

    Has to have at least one finished map to show for. (If it fits our style of forging and we can see that you know the basics then we can probably work well together).

    You have to know how to use the edit coordinates system.

    Also you have to have a good mic.

    My gamertag is icycoolx. Contact me either here or preferably on Xbox live.

    EDIT: I apologize for my impressions as I was not trying to offend anyone or make myself look like a master forger as I am not. Also, I would like to start publishing maps pretty soon but I am under the impression that you have to have them tested and screenshot-ed. I am testing my maps still and I do not know how to get my screenshots onto the website. Do I have to use a capture card? I have one but I have to figure out how to work it and get the right stuff for it. Or is there another way to do this?
    #1 icycoolx, Jan 14, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2013
  2. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I think you would have more luck if you provided a picture of your work so people cou;ld get an idea of your styles.
  3. RegardlessDolan

    RegardlessDolan Promethean

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    No offense, but this comes off as a bit arrogant. Things like "I will decide if it is good or not" when referencing someone else's map, and using a specific detailed list of skills forgers must have to work with you comes off like you hold yourself as a master of forge. This combined with the face that the majority of your posts on this forum are you asking other people for help on how to make a proper map, combined with the face that you haven't personally published a single map on this site lead to the aforementioned feeling or arrogance.

    I don't mean this to be rude in any regard, I'm simply stating how this post came across to me.
  4. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Making a community/clan of forgers will only make your forging a social hour. Some of the best forgers on here make their maps alone. Why would someone want to join a forging group to produce someone else's map/ideas. Doesn't sound like fun to me. If you want to make a good map, best bet is to submit your work on here, get it critiqued by very experienced forgers, fix your mistakes, and repeat... over and over again. To make a proper forge team should go like this...

    1.) A sketcher who can come up with a great map layout on paper or in a program that is simple and can be built in forge.

    2.) Skilled forger to produce the goods.

    3.) Testers who are experienced in map design and gameplay to give you exceptional feedback.

    1 & 2 should be done by you. #3 is done here.
  5. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    Icycoolx probably just wants to see their style of their works. If their a superb infection forger, but he's trying to work on BTB, that wouldn't really work out.
    But yeah, that is slightly arrogant.

    o_O that's generally a problem when trying to make a forge team.
  6. icycoolx

    icycoolx Promethean

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    Yes I meant I need to see their style of forging to see if it matches mine and my buddies. I should have cleared that up so once again sorry. I edited the post by the way. As for me asking for tips and making a forge team I don't see this as being a huge problem. Although, I am guessing you guys think that I look like a noob at forging right? Well, I am an intermediate forger. Also, so I guess I can post some maps now that I have finished some. I have a few ready to be tested.

    Edited by merge:

    I don't see this being a "social hour" unless everyone is distracted by talking. The idea behind this would be to try be as organized possible. Meaning maybe have one or two guys make a layout and then if needed have some other person or two make aesthetics and etc. This could work as long as we don't talk too much and get distracted haha. Hopefully, this works out as planned. I also usually prefer forging with at least one person anyways as it makes more interesting.
    #6 icycoolx, Jan 15, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2013
  7. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't recall him stating in the original post that he is creating this group so that the members will produce his designs or vice-versa. As a matter of fact, given the ideal amount that he mentioned, I could only assume that he is simply attempting to create a group of likeminded individuals who are willing to test and evaluate one anothers maps. If not that, a group of people that enjoy forging with others for reasons beyond what was stated. Forgehub isn't the only means in which to recieve feedback on a design.

    Regarding the OP, I agree with Given, you should show us a little of what you generally forge.
    #7 Auburn, Jan 15, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2013
  8. Waterfall

    Waterfall Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Lol at "as long as we don't get distracted" if I'm forging with more than 4 people someone always gets distracted, and at as long as we don't talk that much. Your forging in a video game, it's not a business so why not talk and be as sociable as possible? I just don't get the people who play games in an uptight, no screwing around way. Not saying that's you, so please don't take offense but this is just the things that went through my head while reading through this thread.
  9. icycoolx

    icycoolx Promethean

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    Well I mean I hope we can balance it out between being social and making the map at the same time. I don't want to be a super uptight douche.

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