UNIMPORTANT BACKSTORY: Hi, i have been a long time user of the site due to my love of forge and intrest in new maps. I've made a number of successful maps but never posted them on here due to the strict settings. But because of this major glitch in my map, it has forced me to reset my password and blow the dust off my old forge hub account. But that's just a backstory, here's the glitch: I am finished building my monster trucks map(its a remake of skyscraper from Mario kart 64). When I finished placing my warthogs, I realized there was only 6. Puzzled, I clicked the delete all button and viewed the number allowed to place in the place objects menu. There was still only 6. This could have been the result of a strange glitch we ran into in the making of the map. I always let my friends join my forge games and mess around while im building. They like to build wraiths and have wars and kill me and whatnot. Anyways, I was the host, and just as one of them was getting in the hog, the other one picked it up. This allowed the forging one to pick up the warthog and make it shake and glitch quite a bit. We did this twice which may explain why we were missing 2 warthogs. Here are the links to the film of the glitch and the affected map: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Snyper (sorry i dont know how to make that link work ) Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details So if anyone who has the patience to read that, please hypothisize in a solution or try to DL the map and place your own two warthogs or something. The only thing i know is that i cant place those last to required warthogs and need help. I thank anyone who has any assistance with this issue.
1. March real isn't a "long time". 2. I think you would really need to actually be a part of the community to be a "member". 3. Strict settings? It's pictures and a download link. 4. It just sounds like a small bug/glitch. Restarting it should fix it. Although, I thought you could only have 6 Warthogs. (8 Totals I know, but Warthog not being a "small scale" vehicle) 5. Don't let your friends come in during forge-time. That ****s things up.
1. i ment i visited the site for a long time 3. Lazyness my friend.(and a series of annoying glitches but thats off-topic) 4. Ive seen numerous maps with 8 warthogs 5. I completely agree. Thank you for your tips though
Any chance they could have been placed while you were forging in a specific gametype, and then set to appear only in that gametype? If I'm not mistaken, being in a gametype where an items won't spawn, and then deleting all of that item, doesn't delete the items in other gametypes. I don't know if this helps, but it's the first thing that popped into my head when you described the deleting all method not working. I don't know about the glitches though--I'm on my phone at work and thus can't help with the videos and/or map. However, it may just be forge lag, by bringing in aforementioned friends (surprisingly, even one friend in can screw things up pretty bad). It sounds like the issues may very well be linked, but correlation does not always equal causation, as they say. Hope that helps a bit.
Did you try delete all on all of the types of warthog? maybe you were trying regular but they placed a gauss, just an idea
u can always press b on an object (for future references) and click Delete All of These and it coulda fixed ur problem from the start!