One of the best structures I have seen in a long time! Only the space next to that work of art seem to be a little too empty for my taste
I agree that not all maps need bases, I just don't like how the rubble is in the images. Either bases or better rubble would make me happy.
Whether your base looks like a base or not, there still needs to be something that FUNCTIONS as a base. The rubble was not enough to allow defense to protect their flag, and the fortress bases seemed too much. Like I said, go for some kind of minimalist structures, maybe even broken ones to keep with the rubble theme. No matter what though, you need an area that acts as a base whether it looks traditional or not (and not is usually much cooler anyway.) Once again, great job with your beautiful tower of fruit!
Well I have made changes and I plan to do more testing. planning to ask TGIF once I have done a gametype check.
Another well done map. How in the world did you find the time for the huge structure. I'm a little worried about the warthogs considering the amount of cover and room on the map can make them a dominant force. Amazing looking map though.
The playtest tonight was spectacular. I love this map so much, I wouldnt change a thing. I did notice that vary few people used the warthogs though- not sure why...
On the issue of bases, maybe you could make something akin to the building on the right of this picture? Simple, yet effective. You could change the design a little, make it look different, but something along those lines would seem to fit the map well.
I just couldn't use words to describe how sexy that tower is. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to wipe the rainbow vomit off my keyboard.
after 3 playtests, which the scoreboards were 72-75, 70-75, 72-75, it is safe to say gameplay is perfectly balanced and enjoyable. I have only had 2 people out of 48 people say that there was framerate. Even then, mostly it was in the outskirts of the map if you were overlooking the map all at once where it was minor while gameplay was going on. In any BTB as I have observed this will always happen no matter how much you reduce because of the amount of players in game. Two exploding falcons can cause framerate, what do you think 16 players can do? As many have said before I shall keep the map as is. Thanks for the advice on the bases but I am keeping them the way they are for gameplay reasons and framerate reasons. Next testing will be capture the flag and neutral bomb assault. After further games I believe I shall release the map. credit must go to xDTx Kaos for his amazing spawn system. Without it I don't think the map would play as well as it did.
I really want to play this again. This map turned out better than I could have expected. That is all.
I suppose I need to see this again. The map's centerpiece looks fantastic, and while the design is very simple, it should still play quite well. This definitely has the ability to stand up above the crowd. I'm interested to see what's become of the bases, and I'd love to test this sometime.
did a test with CTF, played well besides minor spawn problems, things easily fixable. I will be doing more playtests with assault, slayer, CTF, and territories. Need more people for the testing, SO GET YOUR GRIMY BUTTS IN HERE NAO! (lol)
Invite me when your testing this, I'm interested to see how it plays. Also you have me intrigued to check out how the spawn system is done, always find that interesting. I also need a few btb tests, so I'm all for getting a lobby going.
I am about ready to post majestica and would like any advice from anyone who has entered the game while in the beta stages. If not this beauty is going up, I am tired of having this one sagging in a hole on my hardrive forever. I have had plenty of tests and almost EVERYONE has enjoyed the gameplay, even the try-hard forgers (lol).
The tower looks gorgeous. I think it would look a bit better on some raised platform personally, but overall nice. Another great map!