MaGNuM's 1st Sandbox Get-Together!-Sign up here!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rated Dirty, Apr 13, 2009.

  1. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I, Rated Dirty(aka: MaGNuM is rD) am hosting a little TGIF like get together on May 1st. I have been waiting to play SandBox with people and want to make some new friends. So today I have decided to make a little Invitational using the communities Sandbox maps( Utah Mambo, Locked-out, and Castle Crashers.) I will also be showing off my Map Pack:Memories Map Pack, which will actually be released this Wednesday, people who join will also get to get a sneak peek at my next map pack.

    Anybody is welcome. Please just sign up here and state your Gamer
    Tag. I want around 3-4 parties depending on how many people will want to do this. So I will also need people to be party leaders. Like the TGIF leaders, these leaders will be on my friends list and will have a certain gamer pic and their motto will state that they are hosting.

    That is all of the info for now, more info will be added later on.


    May 1st: 7 P.M.- whenever I get off EST( Please check your time zone!)


    GT: MaGNuM is rD: 7P.M. through whenever
    FH Name: Rated dirty

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