Despite it's name, the sequel to the mega hit MtG: DotPW that came out in 2009 will come on in TWO DAYS! How did that sneak up on us? Anyway, various sources have some information on it, g4 has a gameplay vid so I'll link their site here. Magic DotPW 2012 news One thing I wanted to pull out of that site and display here was this question asked by G4 and answered by Paul Levy of magic, That seems like an obvious no and is very upsetting to magic players who have been waiting for this feature for years.
I thought that I read on the WotC Magic forums that it will be on MtG 2012... in some form. WotC acknowledged that the one thing players of MtG 2009 wanted most, was customization in some form or another. I believe that they'll most likely offer the ability to remove core cards this time, but most likely won't allow us to mix decks. The Arcade game will still be severely limited compared to their MtG:Online... their internet cash cow. WotC will not offer a game that will allow them to replace the money they get from die hards buying cards.
I don't get why they didn't just make it another expansion? Now we have to buy a whole new game for probably double what an expansion would cost. They had better have tweaked the crap out of the deck customization.