Headquarters Once a thriving military base, is now abanded. A perfect map using various forge techniqes. Help from the unlimited budget glitch. Supports all gametypes, for use with 2- 8 players. A well rounded map that will probably make you say "wow" a million times. Tested by many people down to the last frag grenade, all agreed and all enjoyed.Uses the interlocking technique to make the ground smoother.Also had to use the save and exit technique a couple of times. I really hope you enjoy this map, because i serously had been working on this map forever... Theres is a big structure of a building in the middle where all the action usually takes place.When you first enter the middle you will have the option to go right or left. In the middle there will also be a pathway leading up to the top of the map. When you go Right: You will be brought upon a tunnle that is curving to the side. At the end of the tunnel, there is a elevator that will bring you up to the next floor of the tunnle, the roof. On the roof you will find yourself looking upon the whole map, or most part of it. There will be an excellant placed turret that has a shooting range of the entire middle. Besides the turret on the roof, there is a couple of bunkers and a battle rifle, or sniper, cant quite remember. When you go Left: You will be facing a cage sort of looking thing at the end of the walkway. When you reach the end of the walkway, you will be able to go down a fence box to a bottem level of the cage. It is completly blocked off which makes for a good infection spot. When you go down the pathway leading to the Top:You will be on the top floor in an open area. The open area calls for a No Mans Land, which means if you dont act fast enough you will be killed. That was a major problem when i was making this map, so i added 2 Escape Drops where if your being shot at you can simpley drop down them. One escape drop will have an overshield and a needler. The other Escape Drop will have an Oversheild and a shotgun. At the bottem of both Escape Drops (where the oversheild and stuff are located) there are several mancannons that you can easily travel to that will shoot you into different sections of Foundry for a safe exit. The mancannons also serve the purpose of people on the outside, cant jump in and steal the equipmeant. Now going on. If you feel you are in no danger, you can walk to the battle mound.The battle mound is a floating platform made up of walls that go up and down for a hilly feeling. The walls are interlocked for a smooth hill. The end of the battle mound has a sniper that isnt in a really good sniping spot, but its located where you can easily grab it go find a good sniping spot. That was just a "QUICK" description of the map in the middle. The other parts of the map are going to be a suprise. So you will have to download the map to actually find out what other amazing secrets this map foreholds. Map includes: 1.Snake tunnel 2.2 shotgun spawn areas 3.2 sparten escape drops with mancannon escape 4.Battle place with mounds (hills) 5.Ghost Respawn with secret room under 6.3 stories 7.a very unique sniper tower And Much Much More!!!!!!! [size=10pt]Snakes Tunnel [size=10pt]Sparten Escape Drops [size=10pt]Battle Mound Download Here
a double post is where you post 2 times in a row on the same thread, it's not a good thing to do because it's like bumping which is also not aloud. on to the map i like the look of your escape drops they go preety well with the surroundings i also like the story and description you put with the map it's always good to have a solid description. also i think that maybe you should not have the hammer so close to the rockets. i'll be sure to d/l once i get my xbox back.
ummmmm.... i dont know if there will be a v2 or not im currently working on a map that iv been working on for a real long time So im probably going to be working on that for about 2 more weeks, but after that I might look into it. Why do you ask?????