Am I the only one on this site that plays and loves the Madden franchise? I am pumped for the 20th edition more than ever after playing the demo that went LIVE this morning. The game's atmosphere is stunning, and it seems they worked out most of the gameplay issues with NCAA 09 (if anyone even plays/played that). In other news, ESPN officially announced a new ESPN channel that will be covering Brett Favre 24/7...
No, it only lets you takes an IQ test and play the winning drive of the Super Bowl, but you can play it as many times as you want to get a feel for the gameplay. I wish you could play defense if you score quickly to get a feel for it, but it is all about advertising the moments feature where you have a classic scenario (ie. stop the Titans on the last drive of Super Bowl 34). The IQ test is pretty cool because you compete on rush offense, pass offense, rush defense, and pass defense to see how good you are in each aspect. If I understood it correctly, it takes your score for each one, and you play on that level in your games. So, you could be playing on rush offense all madden and rush defense rookie, which means the computer is really good at stopping the run but can't run well. In my opinion, this is the first next gen. Madden that actually runs smooth (player animations aren't really choppy), and of course, the graphics are great.
Well i would get it because i think Madden games are great! But my xbox and internet connection takes ages to download game demos .. So i'll pass =[
Hey. I played madden 07 and thought it was good. The problem is with madden games is that achievements are easy to unlock. e.g on Madden 2008 You could go every team in the league and simulate the season in franchise mode and get most of the eachievements from doing that. ( Not a bad thing for some people ) I might get it, not sure yet though.
I dont like madden its seems like its all luck + like 1% skill, pick a play and hope you guy catches it
You are mistaken. You have to pick a play, make pre-play adjustments by reading the defense, have pocket presence from the guy blitzing, finding the open receiver, make the right throw (lob, bullet, throw it behind him, or lead him), and make the switch to user and go up and catch the ball (you don't have to do this like you said, but if you want to have a successful passing game online, you pretty much have to on offense and defense). It also takes a lot of skills to run the ball because you have to know when to make a move. You also just said that you don't know if it takes skill because you don't play the franchise. It is a common misconception by people who don't play the genre that sports games don't take skill or that the game doesn't change at all from one year to the next other than a roster update, and quite frankly, it pisses me off as someone who plays both shooters and sports games at a competitive level. If you are a fan of football,do yourself some justice by picking up this game and understanding just how easy it is when you play your first game online. Edit: And to the guy 2 posts up, yes, the achievements are easy to get, but who cares about achievements? Why would you simulate a couple seasons just for them when you can enjoy some sense of accomplishment by getting them as you play?