PLease don't double post. And even though custom maps are more origional, aesthetically, Bungie maps are much better for machinima. I would prefer my towns made out of real bricks and all crumbled, not out of ugly walls (no offense to Shihuru) if I was a director. I say that Ghost Town would work the best, considering that aesthetics are really what is important in Machinima. Also, how would the "town" have been bombed if it is inside a warehouse?
Ghost Town from the new map pack could fit that? From the pictures it looks like it's been around the block a few times.
When Ghost Town comes out, forge it a little. Use planks and scaffolding pieces on their sides, the could even add one of those Forge Filter things, they make colors different, like vibrant or pale. I would use Gloomy, but unless you want a bright pink, run-down city.
Thx, shihuruville does have its own "unique" variant, its called, T-Virus Alpha. I'll get a link in just a sec... Download Here: T-Virus Alpha
Sorry for double posting. Aesthetics ARE important, but shuruville is cool. I'll w8 till 15th and check out ghost town