Hello everyone! My good friend and I are starting up a new machinima series as you may have heard. I am in need of some people. Requirements: -I need at least one girl, perferably[Spelling?] two. -You need to be able to devote your time at least twice per week. -You need to be able to give constructive ideas for upcoming episodes. -You need to have a mic. -You need to have live. -You need to be kind and respectful to other members. -You must have most armor unlocked. If you do not however, I will help you get the required achievements pretty quick. -You need the heroic map pack and the legendary map pack. -If you have the mythic, that is great, but it is okay if you do not. If I think of more requirements I will/may post them here. You do not need a capture card, movie editing software, or anything like that. _______________________________________________________________ Also, I am in need of someone who will be our editor. I can do it, but I am not very good and I am sure I can find someone much better than me to do it. _______________________________________________________________ If and only if, you are interested, I will PM you the application. It is simple, and will only take a few seconds. I will also PM you the outline of the plot, but keep in mind that it is not set in stone, as we may change it later. _______________________________________________________________ Thank you for your time and I hope to see some members from forgehub in my machinima. -Andy _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Because I got more feedback than expected, I will post the application here. Please copy and paste this, and keep your answers unbolded and PM this to me. Add my account, GR Blood Shot
I'll help you if I feel that the plot is good enough and will actually make a decent machinima etc. I'm fairly active aswell but I will probably have a different time zone to you.
Ill be glad to help. My gamertag is General Tso 91 be sure to hit me up with a friend request. Also, is it going to be a comedy? Just out of curiosity, because those are the kind I am looking for.
Hmmm, I'm in GMT but I'm probably active enough to meet you frequently, send me that form and I'll fill it in for you. =).
I would post something that had to do with your topic, but due to the fact that you typed in white makes it impossible for me to read. Think about your colors next time you want to type something worth while.
Name: Zachary Gamertag:XSn1p3 X0utX Gender:Male Timezone:Eastern Time. Why would you like to be in the machinima series?:I really want to start getting into machinima making,and this is my goal...to start out here. What makes you different:I will always be there or online when needed...just invite me. What DLC do you have, if any?:I have all including the mythic Do you watch machinima?:Yes How much time can you devote per week?:About at least every day I will be on and will do anything...so 24/7. Which days are you most available on?: Everyday...But I am always up waaay late on Friday and Saturday.
Once again, hopefully 3rd time is the charm. SEND ALL APPLICATIONS TO ME VIA PM, not through this thread. I will get to them easier and faster. Thanks
Add my account, GR Blood Shot Be sure to apply, I have 6 applications and I am looking for 4 more, and then the applicants will be picked. So, if you can apply, that would be great. After I have enough applicants, I will put up a meeting, so that I can get to know all of you better. In this meeting I will look for how much input you give and how good your personality is. Then I will be able to pick that very same day possibly, or the next day or whatever. Is everyone good with sunday afternoon, around 12-1 PM EST? [gmt -5 I think] This sunday. For the meeting. I need to know, so please do so by letting me know lol.
There are two people as of now, my friend and myself. That is two. I think one would be to little of a number, but two would be a good size. But then again, I am willing to take up to four people. There is no set number except at least two will be picked and I want at least a girl. So it could be every applicant, which is 6, or it could be 2 that are picked. I don't have a set amount. If I feel they are right for it, they get it. All depends.
I can edit. I'd just need a basic outline of the order of clips and any specified editing. I'd also need the clips converted into a .mov file ahead of time.
It would be a hard job, I can tell you right now. I am very specific. Which is probably why no one would do it, and I would have to do it. Which I am okay with, but I have other things to do for it too. If your up to it, you and I can do it together. Reply again if still interested.