Machinima presents "Frag Cup 2" for Halo 3, hosted by FraggedNation

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ChaoticCannon, May 6, 2010.

  1. ChaoticCannon

    ChaoticCannon Forerunner

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    Hi everyone,

    My Name is Chaotic_Cannon and I am from a gaming community called FraggedNation. We are a community of gamers, run by gamers and for gamers that offers ladders and tournaments for a wide range of games covering all major consoles.

    The purpose of this post is a means to let Halo gamers know about a chance to win cash and prizes in the Machinima Frag Cup. We want all Halo gamers to have at least the information about an event to give everyone a fair shake. This is not as a flat out advertisement for a promotional offer or anything like that. We are not recruiting people, just want to give you the information. Flip side actually you can use FN to create recruiting threads if you so choose, but I digress.

    Here is the main post of information I would like to convey to Halo Gamers:


    Take your shot at winning $5,000 Cash!

    FraggedNation is Proud to announce that it will be hosting the Machinima Frag Cup 2 where there will be a grand prize of $5000 to the winning team, plus many runner up prizes of $500.

    Machinima Respawn has asked FraggedNation to exclusively host the Frag Cup 2 Qualifier and then the main Tournament.

    The top 64 teams that make through the qualifying round will move onto the Halo 3, 4v4 Capture the Flag tournament and will automatically receive swag from Machinima. Not only that, all 64 teams will then have the a chance to win the grand prize of $5,000 cash, with each of the Final 4 runner-up teams (16 total) receiving $500 cold hard cash!

    What do you have to do?

    First check this thread for the Frag Cup 2 Details.

    The next step is to simply log into your account and join one of the 2 qualifying ladders (see the cup details thread for the correct ladder for you). Either join with an existing team, or create a new one using the Ladder Join Wizard.

    Sign-ups have already begun, and the ladder season will run from May 10th and CLOSES on June 1st at which point we will take the top teams and seed them into the Machinima Respawn Frag Cup Tournament.

    Best of luck to everyone participating - let the games begin!

    For more information check out the Machinima Youtube Annoucement: Frag Cup 2 Announced By Sark & Hutch from Machinima!

    or from Battlestrats article found here: Frag Cup 2 Announced – Win $5,000 : BattleStrats – Gaming Strategies and News

    If you want to ask questions or make comments, please just head over the the Official Frag Cup 2 Overview thread

    The original thread can be found here:
    Forum Posts - Machinima presents Frag Cup for Halo 3, hosted by FraggedNation
    #1 ChaoticCannon, May 6, 2010
    Last edited: May 6, 2010
  2. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Seems really good, thanks for posting it here.
    I stayed tuned throughout the first frag cup, almost entered, just lacked a team.
    Look forward to entering, is it US only?
  3. ChaoticCannon

    ChaoticCannon Forerunner

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    It is open to everyone. There are 2 qualifying ladders, a North American one and an International one (to make sure people in closer timezones can play properly).

    Then the top 64 teams go on to the main tournament for the main cash and prizes.

    Drop by FN, say hello and sign up and even try and recruit a team. You have nothing to loose and $5000 to win!
  4. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, I'll give it a try!
    Is there a minimum age?
    I'm surprised this hasn't got more replies...
  5. ChaoticCannon

    ChaoticCannon Forerunner

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    The minimum age of the Machinima Frag Cup is a good question, I dont know off the top of my head, as long as you can play the game, lol.

    FraggedNation as a site has a min age of 13. We are a site that promotes fair play and fun and we ensure that language and behavior of people on our site is respectful (at least as respectful as it can be for gamers these days).

    I am very surprised that more people have not commented on this thread.

    it is not like these types of tournaments happen every single day.

    If you need more information on the rules or settings, maps, etc please just look in the FN forums here:

    Or jsut ask me here.
    #5 ChaoticCannon, May 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2010

    PILGRIM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is very exciting news indeed. I would look into putting in a team but due to my nationality and how bad the cross Atlantic connection is on Halo is now means I wont enter. I will spectate though!
  7. ChaoticCannon

    ChaoticCannon Forerunner

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    That is why there are 2 different qualification ladders before the main tournament.

    There is a North American Ladder and an International Ladder. So you can compete with people closer to your own time zone and internet connection quality.

    The top teams from each ladder are then seeded into 4 different brackets in the main tournament, again there will be different brackets for different regions.

    Then the top 4 teams (1 from each bracket) move onto the finals, so the top international teams wont be eliminated early on due to bad connections or bad scheduled times of games... they get a fair crack at the prizes as everyone else. Only in the final matches will the international teams meet with the North American teams.

    Does that sound better?
    That is why there are 2 different qualification ladders before the main tournament.

    There is a North American Ladder and an International Ladder. So you can compete with people closer to your own time zone and internet connection quality.

    The top teams from each ladder are then seeded into 4 different brackets in the main tournament, again there will be different brackets for different regions.

    Then the top 4 teams (1 from each bracket) move onto the finals, so the top international teams wont be eliminated early on due to bad connections or bad scheduled times of games... they get a fair crack at the prizes as everyone else. Only in the final matches will the international teams meet with the North American teams.

    Does that sound better?

    Time is getting close. The qualification rounds start at the end of this weekend. Enter a team or even say hello as I know there are a lot of teams still short one or two players.

    Here are the 2 different ladders:
    North American Ladder: Ladder Standings for XBox 360 Halo 3 - North America Frag Cup Qualifier
    International Ladder: Ladder Standings for XBox 360 Halo 3 - International Frag Cup Qualifier

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