does anyone have any movie sets or can make me some? i will include your name in the credits!!! YAY!!! seriously please.
A movie set? Some movie sets? What type? What's your machinima about? A bit more info please, then you will get much more help.
True, different videos need different sets. Describe exactly what you need, and then maybe someone can help. Note: If you're looking for Pelican Maps or things like that, it's best to just edit an actual Pelican in.
th4e map streets...thats one of the best machinima sets ive seen, like an abandoned city...look for the old town sets, and you could feature a set from h3artificers, like a switch for 1 scene good luck!
Sorry, I just don't have enough time to do it. I tried, but the best I could do was think. I need alot more info.