Machinima Idea

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Blood of the Fallen, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. Blood of the Fallen

    Senior Member

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    [FONT=&quot]Okay so no one get pissed or anything please, this is just an idea and before I go and make it I want to know if it'll be a waste of time or not. So here is the beginning and after I'll give you the outline of the first chapter in the Forerunner Chronicles.

    So please read or at least skim through this and give me some feedback, even if its negative, but please try not to be too harsh.

    And btw, if this is in the wrong section, just tell me, I don't need flaming, just a direction.

    Thanks guys )

    Delta Down

    [FONT=&quot]The Forerunner Chronicles[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Prologue (March 16th 2552)
    "Delta to Command! Delta to Command! God damn it come in Command!" [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]" status?" The transmission was faint, choppy, there was barely a signal. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]"Were going down, are left thrusters are shot and we have little power in the right, we can’t stay airborne!" [/FONT]
    "No idea, navigation's shot, last I checked we were close to our destination, somewhere past Xion’s fourth moon I think”[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]“What!? No...I swear...there was another moon dammit!”[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]“This can’t be happening...” [/FONT]
    "Its dead...we destroyed its’s nothing but a wreck on the planet below us now...but Command, what the **** should we do?!"
    ",.. .."
    "Command!? Send a transmission to where!? What the hell happened!?"
    "Sir....are radios gone, the computers just blew"
    "What! Can you fix it!?"
    "I...I’m sorry sir.....I can’t"
    "1 minute until impact!" The pilot yelled from the cockpit.
    "Sir...what do we do?"

    Brief History
    It is the year 2552 and the closing years of the Covenant wars. With losses being taken at every turn the UNSC is on edge and worried about the future and survival of the human race. So when one of their top research labs goes dark on the edge of settled space they send a team to investigate. The small frigate class ship “Delta” Commanded by veteran Sergeant Brigs, is dispatched immediately. Well passing one of Xion’s three moons in a Celestial cloud a large Covenant ship takes them unawares and damages their left thrusters and navigation along with their Slipspace drive. Delta flees while trying to stay on course but eventually turns and fights over an unidentified planet. After getting a lucky hit on the enemies bridge that sends it's remains plummeting towards the planet Delta loses all power in the left side and starts to slowly spin out and down and follows the Covenant ship down to her death.[/FONT]

    From the barren slopes of the planet below the fight a small group of figures watched as the ruined Covenant ship crashed into the sea of sand that surrounded them. Without word or gesture a few split off and made their way towards what remained of the great battle cruiser. The remaining few watched as another smaller ship came down at a fearsome speed while spinning out. They saw a door opening in the side and a lone figure look down before he was flung out and quickly lost from sight as he was swallowed by the sands, while the ship continued down. At the last second her right thrusters shut off entirely and the ship crashed into a large dune on the edge of the ruins. It lay still and silent, half buried, just like everything else on the planet. They waited on the slopes while the sun followed its daily course through the sky, watching the small ship, waiting. Suddenly, one raised a brown and decaying hand and pointed, and that was all it took to please them. They’d seen what they’d hoped for, so without a second glance they turned and started off towards the destroyed Covenant ship and their comrades. The dead would be the first, for their use was short lived...but the living, well, they would have far more of a purpose...they would be next. [/FONT]

    [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Present Day (2 hours after impact)
    Slowly, Sergeant Brigs Vestal, Captain of the UNSC frigate Delta, regained consciousness. Bit by bit he got feeling back as his mind settled back into the confines of his body. He became aware that he was lying on something soft without a true form and that his left arm didn’t feel quite right. As soon as he noticed that, the searing pain of a broken bone hit him like a tidal wave while smaller injuries, a broken finger, fractured skull, twisted ankle added their pain and suffering to the pool threatening to drown him in darkness once more. But he pushed it away and slowly cracked open his sand filled eyes, and instantly regretted it. The sun was directly over head beating down on him, and only when he thought about it did he realize he was roasting. Dressed in a bullet proof vest over a light Grey UNSC training shirt with black combat pants and boots on he had been baking out under the sun for god knows how long. Slowly, he tried opening his eyes again and lay still while they adjusted to the extreme light. When it felt safe he opened them further and looked up at a cloudless blue sky filled with swirling eddies of sand as some were caught up and thrown around by the wind. He lay there for a minute watching the sand swirling around in the air, weaving and twirling and forming shapes and patterns, dancing he thought. The scene was strangely peaceful, with the pain at the back of his mind and no sound except the lonely moan of the wind around him. But it did not, could not last long. [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Against the protests of his pain racked body he slowly raised himself up and looked around him in wonder, and despair. For as far as the eye could see, in every direction, there was nothing but sand and a few low protruding brown colored rocks. Hope already fading fast he climbed to his feet and slowly turned around 360 degrees, his eyes narrowed in concentration as he looked to any clues to help him find what would be left of his ship. He saw nothing except an infinite amount of sand and rocks and in his despair almost passed over the low corner of a supply crate sticking up between 2 low dunes. Hope and happiness did not come to him then, not yet for he reasoned it was only one crate, it could have easily fallen out with him but regardless he slowly got his feet moving and walked stiffly over to it. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]The UNSC logo was stamped in bold black letters on the top of the small green crate and it was what he stared at and grew to hate as the lock refused to open for his one hand. Conceding defeat, he scrambled around in the sand until he found what he was looking for. With rock in hand he smashed at the lock until with a screech of breaking metal it fell away and yielded its reward. He reach in and pulled out a water canister (Full) half a pack of preserved foods, a small first aid kit and a burlap sack to carry it all in. His greatest find though came in the small case nestled at the bottom. He opened it and pulled out the 6 round magazine shotgun and slung it around his shoulder. The tent, bedding mini cooker and other such things he could not carry so he left them there as he turned to face the traceable trail of debris left in the ships wake. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]He put one foot forward and slowly began his long march to find what remained of his ship, and possibly his crew. Shotgun slung around his ruined shoulder, sack on his good one, he set off into the fading light. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]A man who walked proud, a soldier who was unbeaten, and a Sergeant who in the days to come would be tested beyond reason. [/FONT]

    End of Part 1

    Okay so the story revolves around Sergeant Brigs, a pardoned prisoner after the events on Sora-Ke were never fully clarified, and his troops who after discovering what the high command of the UNSC has been hiding from them are tasked first with delivering it to its new home, the Merilian Space station then tracking it down and recovering it when the station is assulted by unkown forces and they are tasked with finding and returning what was stolen. Along the way they unearth many long buried secrets and one will change the course of all life or destroy it depending on how its used. In the first chapter there ship crash lands on Sandtrap where a very important and secretive Research Facility lays in the ruins of an old Forerunner stronghold. After exploring the wasteland they break into the locked down facility. Inside they find flood in test tubes that shows the UNSC has been experimenting on them, they also find one other interesting thing. The flood then attack them and after repairing the facility's radio they use it to call a patrol ship in the Taziad system and there picked up and saved with their precious cargo. Then they deliver it to the space station and on goes the series.

    It will be mostly action and serious based, because as much as I love red vs blue, i really think there should be an epic action mini series out there that shows Halo at its highest form of combat.
    So yeah, there's my idea, opinions, comments, criticism, ideas are all welcome and as I said if this is in the wrong place just tell me.
    And if this is met with enthusiasm then I WILL turn it into a great mini series, I promise that.

    Thanks : )
    Blood of the Fallen

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