Download: Supported Gametypes: Assault, CTF, Slayer, VIP, Territories and FFA hill. Recommended: 1 sided objective games. Weapons: 7xBR 1xCarbine 1xAR 2xSMG 1xSniper 1xShotty 1xMagnum 1xPP 1xRocket 2xPR 2xSpikers 2xBrute shot 2xNeedlers 2xMG turrets 1xPower drain 1xTrip mine 1xRegen 2xBubble shield 1xGrav lift 1xDeployable cover 10xStickies 2xSpikes 2xFrags 1xOS Vehicles: 3 mongi, warthog and ghost. Description: A map designed for 1 sided games primarily, it may work with multi flag. To the back of the map is where the defenders base lies, it is not up against the back, thus creating a neat little back area that benefits both teams; the base itself is fairly open with minimal cover, however it is linked to areas with cover. The side of the base has a garage that holds 2 mongi, but also contains lots of explosives, the garage is covered by a turret. The ghost is to the side of the base(Blocked off area). The attackers base is fairly simple. It holds a warthog and a mongoose and has a fairly simple layout(Will be shown in pic). The center is fairly open so that vehicles can drive through with ease, however the pillbox and the OS offer some nice cover. The rocket structure is parallel to the main base in the corner. The two brute shots will be the defender's best anti vehicle weapon, one is behind the base in a small nook and one is in the middle next to the merged door. Now to pics! Overview 1 of defender's base Overview 2 Sniper spawn Overview of the gates Ghost/Carbine spawn Behind defender's base Lift Brute shot spawn(Merged door) Rocket spawn OS spawn Pillbox Attacker's base I hope you enjoy!
Well i like the map interlockin magnificent geo merging is really nice> wtf am i saying this map blows> jk pretty good
cool! i like it. nice you used geomerging and interlocking very well. just the only thing is that there is alot of weapons and equipment
Awesome job! Looks like you put a lot of thought and effort into your creation. Interlocking looks great! Should be a fun only concern is the amout of would never run out of ammo, thas for sure lol
great job interlocking! looks totally flawless, except there is a little too much space, add walls or something to give the map some close and long range feelings
Don't worry about the weapons, some have long respawn times(Most equipment is 60-90). Chief Wiggum, the map has to be open for vehicles to be able to drive freely(there is 5 of them), the Pillbox and OS spawn are excellent cover aswell.
Looks like a very well planned out level, but why so much vehicles, and theres alot of weapons, never the less, this is a great map. 5/5
looks very well and nice interlocking. i like the look of it. ill just have to try this map out. good job.
expecially in picture 2 it looks like its lacking cover! i strongly suggest adding more cover just like what chief wigggum said it doesnt have to be much i just suggest adding a few barriers here and there cuz it seems if your down there on foot it wont be long until your dead! besides that great map Good Luck on any future maps! Peace
Most parts of this map look awesome, good interlocking and goo use of interlocking as well. I really don't like those teleporters though...