Last year i made a game using (ironicly) Game Maker. Its called MAC: Defence. Its like space invaders but you play as a magnetic acceleration cannon (like cario station from H2) and fight covernant ships. Play through a tutorial and 6 levels and 2 boss fights! You can download it at my website There are 2 versions, one with sound that takes ages to load (i counted 2 mins to load the loading screen) but the music really sounds good. And the version with no music that takes a shorter time to load but makes the game less exciting. Download it and take a look. It took me a month to make! I would also like some feedback for future games. Thanks!
Eh, I'm cheap, and my school recently introduced us to Scratch. So that's what I use. I made a fun scrolling space ship game that used Halo graphics for the ships, but it got lost somewhere on my harddrive. I'll go look for it.
Gamemaker is awesome. I used to make platform games all the time on that. I also started 3-4 Top down shooters/RPGs that never really went anywhere. I forget all the coding for it though so going back now would be tough.
Thanks for the replies guys. To reply to T3chnomonkey I use version 6, and I'm not registered. I fixed the link to the game with music so it should be working now