Lynx Paradox "Never before hast the world seeneth something of likeness to the wrath of Lynx." -quote from the Halbinger of Lynx, by H. S. Salisbury This is a map made for those who have a fancy of 1v1 or 2v2 matches. (1v1 is better suited, but 2v2 may work). A symmetrical map, Lynx Paradox is quite small, including in itself one main, square shaped pit (acquainted with an exuberant Overshield), two side pits (slightly smaller, containing UNSC and Covenant counterparts of the ballistic armament - SMG and Plasma Rifle - and the same for grenades. It's weapon list is the same on both sides, only one side has the opposing force's Covenant counterpart (battle rifle/carbine, magnum/plasma pistol.) The weapon list itself is not very long, but here it is for those who will want it: Weapon List: Battle Rifle x1 Carbine x1 Magnum x1 Plasma Pistol x1 SMG x1 Plasma Rifle x1 Plasma Grenades x4 Fragmentation Grenades x4 Overshield x1 (respawn time 90 sec) Regenerator x1 Trip Mine x1 Now, if thou shalt wish, here are the pictures of this hard worked on map: Here is an Overveiw of my Lynx Paradox. In the middle, you can see the pit, which has the Overshields. There are also two side pits to the immediate right and left of this pit. At the top of the picture, you can see the UNSC Side. You cannot see the Covenant Side, as this picture was taken from above it: Here is one of the Side Pits. There is a small spae below holding either a Plasma Rifle or SMG. There is an exact replica of this pit opposite it: This is the Covenant Side, complete with Carbine, Regenerator, and Plasma Pistol: It is hard to see, but this is the UNSC Side (an exact replica of the Covenant Side (There is a BR, a Trip Mine, and Magnum behind the dumpster)): This is in the middle, as you can see from the first picture above. It contains a lovely Overshield: If any of these pictures do not help, I have a quick video showing the entire map. Sadly, as my computer is a piece of crap, I cannot post it onto youtube, only have a link to the video which you can watch on Halo: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing I hope you like this map, it is my first one. Okay, not really, but my first good one. Every type of feedback (whether it be criticism or comment) is more than welcome. by Skittlemeister0
Im sorry you feel that way. If you want, I can take more pictures, but that is all it is. It is a small, symmetrical map with two side pits and one middle pit.
So its just that room? I have the urge to say a word but Im told not to. This looks emmensly small, even for a 1v1. Overshield = pwnage. Regen = the whole room. Thus, no DL from me.
Cool idea, but is there like a basement when you drop into the pits? It got me a little confused. Very small.
OK OK i see all of your points. I will attempt to make it better, and change some things. No, the pits do not lead to a basement, but I can make it so.
This post is now void. If some mod may please lock it, that would be most appreciated. V2 will be coming out shortly.
Very cool interlocking and symmetricality but I'm not a huge fan of Covenant vs. UNSC sides, they dont seem fair to me.
hoyl crap this map is cool 5/5 no doubt that it should get a feature. WHERES THE LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????? pplllzzz
OK, thank you all for your complements and criticism, but I have been told it is too small, so I am redoing this map. BTW, I know I forgot the link, so its a good thing Im redoing it, or else you would all have bad maps.
Thanks, all of you, for these comments, but the link will not come until I am done re-editing the map. I am a little confused to why this thread is still up.
Looks to small to make games fun i agree that there should be a basement thats a good idea but you should make a v2 cause its a good start but it needs some work so ya nice job
I really like the aesthetics of this map! I think, as usual, people are being too harsh for dumb reasons. I am gonna check out the map and come back with thoughts. For now, great interlocking, and great job, even if it is a bit small. If I find any problems, I can let you know. If you made an improved v2, the map would be even more awesome.