
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by AceOfSpades, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This busty beauty of a forged map shall henceforth be known as Lux to you, oh great reader of ForgeHub threads. If you know what's good for you, you're going to fasten your seatbelt, throw your hands in the air, wait for the excruciatingly long chain lift to the top of the imaginary hill, and enjoy the jaw-shattering ride down. We present to you, Lux.

    Weapons List
    2 Sniper Rifles / 0 Spare Clips / 89s
    1 Grenade Launcher / 2 Spare Clips / 118s
    1 Active Camo / - / 180s
    1 Custom PowerUp / - / 150s
    3 Health Packs / - / 60s

    Rorak Kuroda
    Lux, for me, was an experiment. I took inspiration from many of NeXn's creations, namely Sequence, and the concept of a map that has no corners. The teleporter system, which involves 3 senders and 3 recievers, is designed to move players from what would be a corner of the map to another location, entirely seperate and distant from the sender. For this reason, tracking down enemies can be a daunting task if they happen to have greater knowledge of the layout. It is truly a map that punishes lack of knowledge and lack of thought. Ace and I rebuilt this map just as a snake sheds its skin. We went through rendition after rendition, and with each molding, learned from past variations and made improvements. We could have made multiple maps with how many changes were made.

    The design came together quite nicely. With so many teleporters and such seemingly limited movement, camping might appear to be an issue. This simply isn't so. There are two snipers, two powerups, and a Grenade launcher, scattered across the map. This alone would be enough to move players around, but there's an underlying balance involving the top-dominance of the map that most players don't immediatly see. If you were to stand on one of the four high platforms of the map (One being in each corner), you would see two more high platforms to each adjacent Line of Sight of you. There would be a single platform which you would not see, diagonally across the map from you. So in essence, you have to worry about two other locations, probably a reciever node, and the possibility that the enemy has decided to hold the platform that you can't even see. That's a lot to worry about, making height advantage not seem very advantageous at all.

    The flip side to gameplay, however, would be aesthetics. Atmosphere. Feeling. These things can effect a player more than weapons and layout ever could. While the layout does not employ any sort of real-life environment, it does have a unique artistic quality. When an artist creates color balance for complimentary colors, four times as much purple is used as yellow, as yellow is much more stand-outish. You'll see that to an extent in Lux, as just with gameplay, Ace and I tried to balance the artistic nature. Certain parts of the map have certain floor textures, which can be found scattered in different areas. In total, there are four different textures that make up flooring. The apex of the map, the center, contains its own, personal aesthetic, and it acts much like the focus of a painting. Just as the eyes are drawn to the center of a painting over and over, but only for brief moments, as the eyes continue to wander, so do players to this center atrium. It's a perfect transitional location, but in no way useful to control.

    In all, Lux was truly an experiment. An experiment in player requirement, in visual appeal, and in every aspect of the term 'flow.' The things I have learned from this forging experience have carried through into all of my newer projects, in some way, shape, or form.

    Lux started for me when Kuroda invited me to a forge game where he had placed about 15 pieces, most notably the center tiles of the map, and we both started tinkering with how to make things look good around the center tiles. He said something along the lines of "Did we just start a coforge?", and Lux began.

    We went through many iterations of pretty much every area of the map, making sure every area flowed together well both gameplay-wise and aesthetically. We really tried to focus on keeping a coherent theme of pieces throughout the map, and I really think we pulled that off well. No area on Lux feels out of place, with every area serving a purpose.








    Special Thanks

    We couldn't have asked for more great layout advice than the help you gave us on one half of the map. You really helped bring the map together, in every way, shape, and form.

    You inspired this map. You inspired the very premise of the idea of this map. We cannot thank you enough for that, and words couldn't express it well enough.

    Man... you really made yourself quite the prostitute for testing on this map. We mean that in the most endearing way possible, too. We found so many tiny, microscopic issues thanks to those games that Lux really gives us a feeling of "Quality" now. All thanks to you, bro.


    I ask for fancy threads, you give me threads that look as if they were formed by the hands of some sort of demi-god. I ask for them to be finished whenever you feel like it, you finish them almost as quickly as I asked for them. And you've got a big ***** to boot. Thanks man, for everything. Especially the super awesome threads.

    Lux (No FX)
    Iridescence 1v1

    #1 AceOfSpades, Oct 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2011
  2. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Great job guys, the map plays very well. The structure of the center is what makes this map play so balanced. Teleporters create fun, fast gameplay, and the weapon/pu setup keeps players moving. And there are definitely some unique aesthetics.

    In the words of Seven, "lava is for blaks".
  3. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    "Atmosphere. Feeling. These things can effect a player more than weapons and layout ever could." Rorak Kuroda

    Thank you. It is extremely rare I see a map here that focuses so much on gameplay while still remembering to try to take the player somewhere else than blockworld #486. I see many of the similarities to sequence, a map I loved and one of the reasons I chose to start posting on FH. I feel a sense of duty to play this, as this is one of the few maps that has grasped the concept of what a very small map should be. As you said, you have more than just nice layout, weapons, and texturing. You guys gave this map a sense of place, something I feel a map isn't complete without.
  4. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Of these 3 maps you two have just posted, this is the only one I have seen personally, and I unfortunately didnt get a game on it. However the build of Lux is quite impressive, using pieces in ways I never thought of before. I cant say much on gameplay, but it seems promising and that's why Im going to download. I'll try to get back with more feedback but if I cant blame my internet.

    Edit: by the way, the link to the gametype isnt working.
    #4 Audienceofone, Oct 18, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011
  5. mcclintonsl

    mcclintonsl Forerunner

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    Doesn't the word Lux have something to do with the Sun and light? Its a bit ironic seeing as your map screenshots have a darkening FX on.
  6. Short Bizzle

    Short Bizzle Ancient
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    Good job guys. Can't wait to get some games on these. We should definitely try an 8v8 here when nondual gets back.
  7. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lux comes from Lux Aeterna meaning Eternal light in Latin.

    It was nice of you to comment on how hard they worked on this piece of art, though.

    Anyways, I have played this map multiple times with you Rorak and I have to say, this is one map that really made me want to start forging 1v1 maps. The aesthetics are absolutely outstanding and the FX put the icing on the cake.

    I love how you made movement around the map constant as the teleporters can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Knowing the map layout and where the teleporters lead were a huge factor in winning or losing.

    I remember you showing me around the map as you pointed out the idea of movement you had for the map.

    I have learned a lot from this map and you and Ace did a fantastic job on making this one very unique and enjoyable map to play on.
  8. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'll go ahead and edit out that bottom link until I can fix it (Damn school and its website blocking). In the meantime, I'm pretty sure that the custom gametype link at the top of the post works fine. If not, let me know :p.

    Seven is a poet and a prophet.

    Thanks man. It feels good to get compliments from a guy that's always such a hard-ass on the forums. And I mean that in the most complimentary way possible. :)

    I feel the exact same way. That sense of place is what Ace and I strive for - it's what has defined all of my newer projects. For someone to notice that just makes the payoff that much better. Thanks, man.

    We'll have to get a game on here sometime. Although you might not want to play me, since I've memorized my own spawn system pretty well.

    The aesthetic in the center of the map, with the water underneath the floor panels, seems as if it gives off light with the Purple Fx on. It's just an illusion, but it's there, and that is what partially inspired the name.

    Oh yeah. 8v8. I can imagine my minimalistic spawn system working so well under those conditions. I don't even know if there are 16 spawns on the map..... >.>

    Thanks man, that means a lot. I love to inspire other people, just as I love to be inspired, and to know that we succeeded in that just makes the time spent so much more worthwhile now.
    #8 Rorak Kuroda, Oct 18, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011
  9. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
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    I was always unsure about the effect but at least you added one without the effect; as if I couldn't remove it. This map has great flow and navigating this map can be a mess for the average noob which increases the skill gap. And it's nice to see a map inspired my all-time favorite forger. Yet another download from me (I downloaded the others).
  10. aPK

    aPK Greatest Forger Alive
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I believe I am the only person in the world that is undefeated against Rorak in 1v1s not only on just this map, but every map. Stomping your face in with my foot of victory was a blast. Good work. The only gripe I have with this particular map is the occasional drop in frames, but other than that, solid work from Ace and Rorak. Keep it up.
  11. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Favorite 1v1 map by far. Whether that's from repeatedly playing it or just it being a good map, I don't know. Fantastic job, guys.
  12. unoverrated

    unoverrated Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map is good or someshit man.

    I <3 Rorack. Definitely my favorite bro from the land down under. Or is that Australia? New Mexico, Australia, same ****.

    Love the name, Love the side of the map I did and other pieces I laid... Everything else was stolen from my brain because the rest is just as nice and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  13. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks nice...

    Ah what am I kidding looks bloody amazing! Great job guys. Too bad Im bored of reach otherwise I love to hit up a game with one of you two sometime to feel how awesome it is. :D
  14. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks man, glad to see the support. Lux certainly isn't a friendly map to new players, but I hope that doesn't dissuade people from learning it and enjoying it. Again similar to Sequence, in that respect.

    Pretty sure I got a running riot against you on your own map and gametype....

    Yeah, there's frame-drop, but it was so minimal that we really couldn't be bothered to fix it. Thanks for all the testing and for the praise, especially considering that it's praise from THE BEST FORGER OF ALL TIME.

    I can't even begin to imagine how many times we played this map. I think it's a good thing, then, that we can both still play it and enjoy it.

    Yes, New Mexico = Australia. We have kangaroos and coral reefs and stuff.

    You were probably the biggest help on this map while Ace was on vacation, can't thank you enough for that.

    And I'm not sure how or why you developed this recent poop fetish, but I don't judge. Be a free spirit, man.

    Do it anyways! I'd love to get a game in sometime. Hopefully, once CEA comes out, less people will be bored of Reach.
  15. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    I hope I didn't miss this in the paragraphs in the OP (tl;dr), but I recall you referring to this map as your Mona Lisa. I couldn't agree more. It is sad that I never got to play on this wonderful display of craftsmanship. It truly is an inspiring design. The subtle water on bottom mid's floor is probably my favorite aesthetic aspect. Well done sirs.
  16. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Me and my roommate played all of these maps, and this one we found had some lag issues. Nothing game-breaking, but it was there for our splitscreen game. I really liked the aesthetics here, but the gameplay really shone. I feel like this map has a great layout and I had a lot of fun here, specially with the sniper battles that I had here.
  17. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    After playing all three, Lux still stands as my favorite of the the pack. Lux is one of the best 2-4 player maps I know of, bordering right with sequence as my favorite. Here were some of the things I loved the most-

    -Sneakiness: On some small maps you are required to move constantly around a certain flow to succeed, but Lux is large enough to avoid this and allows you to move around in a much more complex area. This also allows you to move around without sprinting if you really want, letting others give themselves away while you sneak through the teleports for a new angle.

    -The teleports also added a whole new level of depth to the map, adding paths all around that link you to very key positions. The snipers were powerful, but just enough so, especially with the amount of cover down below. Finally, the look of the map made me feel as If I was in some kind of underground factory, especially one platform leading to a teleport that looked like a conveyor belt. Lux undoubtably meets and exceeds the criteria for a great map in Gameplay, Aesthetic value, and Atmosphere.
  18. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Having also played all three (with Shoe), I think it's time I gave my initial impressions on all of the maps. Each map had one key feature that stood out to me. I don't think I really have a favorite between them all yet.

    What stood out to me most about Lux was it's aesthetics, having the coolest look of any map in the pack. The teleporters looked cool as did everything else, and the atmosphere made by combining the purple FX with all of the green objects was pretty cool. However, I can't say I was really a fan of the lava pit. It looked okay at best, and was a pain if you fell into somehow (which I did twice, mainly due to lag). I landed on the rocks around the pit with a feeling of "ooh, I can still get out!" which was quickly replaced by a respawn timer when I still died on a rock that was covered in a hardkill barrier. I also swear I got minor framerate drops from one area of the map, which I can't really describe. I can take a picture if need be. other than this though, Lux is a fantastic map. Gameplay was great, but the aesthetics were definitely my favorite.
  19. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I didn't really mention that in the OP, but I have said it before. When Lux was first finished, I considered it my Swan Song to halo, but after the buzz died down, I think I can do better. If you want to get some games on this before you leave halo completely, I'd be glad to grant that request.

    I'm surprised that you didn't consider it game-breaking. This map is NOT designed with splitscreen in mind, considering its size and sheer amount of objects.

    I'm very glad that you enjoyed the game regardless. Sniper battles have always been pretty intense, I can think of several memorable moments of sniper rifle debauchery myself.

    That's a balance that I always loved about Lux; sprinting vs. not sprinting. In a scenario where both opponents have headsets, sprinting will instantly reveal your position, but thanks to the myriad of pathways in and out of every location, sprinting constantly can actually work as a tactic, just as not sprinting could work as well. And although Lux doesn't suit all types of players, I think that that balance helps accommodate a slightly wider range.

    I'm also overjoyed that you loved the teleporters so much. Teleporters have such a negative stigma attached to them, so much so that some people abhor them without reason, no matter the use. But in my mind, and in the mind of others, teleporters add forms of flow that are unattainable otherwise. That was their goal on Lux, and I'm happy to see that you appreciated it. :)

    The lava pit was our effort to make what would be a sandy floor into something that actually looked like a death pit. That was its only purpose. I've embraced its look, but I know exactly what you mean. If the floor right there wasn't so shallow, believe me, you would not have seen lava there.

    I know exactly where you got framerate drops. There are two very specific Lines of Sight in which FR drops occur during battles, so minor that I found them to be trivial at best.

    Thanks for the feedback, man. It's always appreciated.
  20. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok, so, im fianlly going to confess my love with this map. This is one of the greatest maps that I have ever played on. Knowing that you two both made this dozens of times and got an outstanding outcome. Granted I get my ass kicked a lot, I really do enjoy this map. The framerate bugs me a little, but stuff happens. Proud of you both ♥

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