Well, so I was playing some Halo today. And I didn't notice anything special. I find that interesting, with all of that "Lower the Guns, save the Machinima" hype. So, did it work? I didn't notice anything, did you?
I did notice that Bungie released a Double XP weekend today, perhaps to keep some customers? Or perhaps just to entertain everyone on Halo 3's 'birthday'. As far as I know it was neither a failure or a success.
dbl exp weekend always comes out on thursday. at least for me it did. i did notice the it took me a little longer than normal to find a match, but i havent been on in a while and it might be because i have moderate nat. i support ltg but i had an early release day from school, so i said "the hell with it."
It's probably not going to do anything (I don't think it ever was, for the record). But a bunch of LTG members are going to play in Halo 2, and I'm taking the opportunity to be nostalgic; might just be the only chance there's enough people playing it If anybody is into this, I'll be playing a lot of the rest of the day, so FR me.