You can't. Impossible, when you screw with the master action code you could cause the way the game plays to screw up. For it to work you would have to clear all history on that game, which means everyone loses their rank, loses all their game data, and all their true skill. NO
What is the whole BxR thing about? I've never heard of it. Also, I don't see how people not playing is going to effect them, especially since it's only a few thousand so far. I mean, even if no one AT ALL plays that day, how is it effecting them? They don't lose any money or anything. But I don't know how it all works so correct me if I'm wrong. HOWEVER, I still think we might as well try to get as many people involved, because even if it doesn't work, it's just a way to show mass cooperation and unity within the comm-unity.
Did you read Mallet's post? It is not about affecting Bungie, it is about drawing attention to the issue, no one is against Bungie in this.
I think it would be ironic if the AU2 (scheduled to be released September 25th) contained the weapons lowering update. Everyone protesting wouldn't be online to notice. It would be both funny and good for the community. If the change is going to happen, it will happen ON the 25th when the Auto Update is introduced.
I support lower the guns all the way, i think it makes the films alot better. Also its very good for machinima, Flem Productiond and others
DTl i agree it would be very ironic..but we dont' know so it is better to risk for better then save off for a hope that which will not come...
I support it but please fast forward this vid FAST FOWARD TO 3:18, it tells why there shouldnt be weapon lowering. time glitch stated that digital feer suffers from it but he has plent enough accounts, could set up system link, and knows why bungie dosent have it.
UGH! if its in the main data bitmask for the game than online play can be slaved to the primary function! so yes it is possible to my knowledge at least .