Love Thy Neighbour (Not worth downloading poor effort by me) Created by Chicken Dippah Would you kill to have a home like this? Download Map: Here Download Infection Gametype:Here Download Assault Gametype: Here This is an average size map that consists of a house and a base. This is my first map ever using advanced forging techniques such as merging and floating objects so bare with me, I intend on improving.The base is a small area sectioned off by a wall that is not well guarded however defendable enough to play on slayer although this map's intentions are looking at 1 bomb assault and infection. Each base starts off with: #4 Battle Rifles #2 SMGs #1 Shotgun #1 Magnum #1 Tripmine #1 BubbleShield #1Regenerator #1 Flare #2 Sniper Rifles #1 Covenant Carbine *** All of which have instant respawn *** This map was initially created for slayer however i developed it further by creating it compatible with ONE bomb assault and infection. The house itself is very simplistic with a small open 1st floor and a 2 corridor 2nd floor with an interval including stairs in the middle. There is a crate with 2 Sniper rifles and the Carbine on to give an overlook of the 1st floor. There is a hidden Power weapon in the map which I am not including in the screenshots for obvious reasons. One Bomb Assault: Both teams start with a magnum and a shotgun however it should be changed straight away. The planting area is at the very top of the house that is intwined with fusion coils to give an epic display when the bomb goes off. Infection: The survivors start with a magnum and a shotgun, And the zombies with the Sword. Generally works best if the survivors stay in the base defending from the half visible zombies. Screenshots: Attackers Base. Defenders View of Attacking Base. Front View of The House. Sniper Spot on 1st Floor. Stairs to Upper Floor. The Upper Floor (Place to plant on assault) What happens after the bomb explodes (Nasty) Whats a map without gravity neglected balls? Download Map: Here Download Infection Gametype:Here Download Assault Gametype: Here
Thanks im trying to improve but im practicing and i also recongnise that the idea is not original, but i didnt really plan this map out like i will in the future as i threw this together whilst reading forging 101. Thanks for the critism btw
looks good but the one pic of the upper floor looks like it has a lot of energy cores which could be a bad thing
I didnt intend on it being a mansion more of a two story structure of which needs a bomb sticking in, which is the main reason i didnt add any silly rooms with imaginery tvs but i agree i wont make something like this again. Looking back i think so too, but they were there to make the assault bomb very nice to watch.