Sorry if this is in the wrong section, didn't really know were to post it. [media][/media] Any thoughts? Personally I think it would be nice if Bungie let us use more than just the seventh column symbol.
I Googled it. Its been seen and talked about a few times across the tubes of the Interwebs but I think people are just assuming he got it for running HBO.
In the Running Riot broadcast, he said it just kinda popped up. Originally, it was there for people who bought Bungie Pro, but they scrapped it at the last moment...gave it to him (and I think urk, too). If I'm not mistaken. I've seen it
Now watch Insane and Rick get it. "PRO" is now the new Recon, seeing how they are basically giving it away to just about everyone pretty soon.
WHERE CAN I GET ME ONE OF THOSE??? I definitely agree. If Bungie Pro Subscribers get a pro, then they might even make more money, because little nubbies want "pro" next to their name. "OMGZ0r l00k guizzez i can bb pr0 just liek walshiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee nao k plz bai?"
I can't wait to see those people with the stupid gamertags like "About 142 Jews" or "Osama Bin Laden" have PRO next to their names.