I am making one last push to get Lotus into matchmaking. If you would like to help, please go to the ATLAS post HERE and leave some feedback. I am getting ready to drop a few more maps, and if anyone would like to help test them send me a PM.
I dont know about you guys, but i like the wall jumps. Why is it such a big deal to some people. If you cant jump and shoot, then dont use the jumps.
I just saw "Lotus" in the list of maps to be included on the bungie day playlist. If it is true thats sweet, i will have an advantage all the games i have already played on this great map.
In case you missed it, Lotus will be one of the 35 maps included in the Bungie vs. the World playlist on 7/7 next week. You can read bunie weekly update here to check out the other 34. Hope i run into some of you there.
I have to admit the more of your maps i see the more i like this map looks amazing for snipers il dl and test 10 asthetics __ playabilty