Lotus, previously Deity, is a current project of mine that is focused on competitive play. I really wanted to have a cool East-Asian theme going on and I hope people will recognize it. Pics below. Previous version is in spoiler. Spoiler Chinese symbol in the middle of the map. Can you guess what it means? Red base. Blue's base is exactly the same. Overview. Here is some updated screenshots. Well thanks for checking out my preview and hopefully I'll actually finish this sometime soon.
Ooh, i like the theme. Some of the structures certainly look better than others, but still. Hopefully I'll get to play this soon.
The curved roofing certainly helps the oriental look of the map. However, it still seems like it's missing something that I can't quite put my finger on. Perhaps some rocks between each base and the center structure to use as cover? And I'm sure that you could use power-ups as the stereotypical decorative lights that you see at parties with this theme. Just a thought.
Looks good given what tools we have. Perhaps a japanese "styled" rock garden/honden/torii gate? Those always looks super asian to me. Torii - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Japanese garden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Honden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hope that helped!
I like the above idea a lot. You could pull some inspiration from Reflection, too. Where else to get some lovely Asian aesthetic ideas from? Along with that, I'd recommend a name change. Deity is a word more rooted in Greek and Latin, which doesn't really fit the name quite right.
If you're do choose to find some inspiration from Reflection, I'd say that the circular windows would look great. Coupled with the rock gardens that were mentioned and this could look pretty amazing (though some more height variation would be incredibly nice).
How about Divinity? I had been thinking of something better and just didn't really think deity fit well. Thanks for the suggestions. I've been trying to make some sort of japan styled gate but I have zero walls since most of them were used for the pagodas, so im trying to figure something out. Thanks everyone.
Wow this looks pretty good. The aesthetics seem to work amazingly well. As for the name, yeah Diety doesnt suite. Try like YingYang or Bonsai or something along those lines.
Name has been changed to Lotus. I have updated the OP with updated map screenshots. I made it look much more Asian in many areas, and I made some nice LoS obstructers. Make sure to make comparisons from the old version, and if a mod could change the thread title to Lotus I'd appreciate it. Thanks
Ohh ok didn't know it only applied to Customs anywho i like the Map very Asian type now all we need are some Asian People too play this map...
Looks like a solid map, I love the theme. As for a name, I would pick either Spoiler Zodiac or Spoiler Talisman
Ohh. Very nice, Cluck. I love the architecture. I was trying to do asian architecture at one point, but ended up not having many good ideas. I'd definitely like to play on this, or just check it out sometime.
This looks pritty cool, I like the central structure and the large base on either side, I think the structures with the curved roof needs some work, I think the incline into the building looks a little too heigh, perhaps some railings on either side would look better. or have the incline structured better may help map aesthetically. Just my opininon and doesn't seem to be a big issue.