LOTR DEFENSE Links to the Map: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=16602207 Game: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=16604491 Hello there everyone this map is called Lord of The Rings Defense, which we all can tell is based off Lord of the Rings. Well to get on with it, this map is created Mainly for infection, and other game styles that that involve attacking a base/defending it or surviving. The main Gametype that me and my friends played on it is infection. In our game you have to defend the main entrance in the begginning of the game for over a minute using the turrets to stop them. Eventually the main gate closes, and for that time period zombies must use team work to get in or they can wait for a bridge to spawn and enter by unblocking it. ALso once the bridge spawns a series of man cannons shortly spawn after that can take you to a armory for a last stand type of thing if you are losing badly which is loaded with weapons. As for the stats the alpha zombie has good camo - 90 damage resistance/or normal shields one of those - and sword/ hammer- increased speed- as the normal zombies arent as good. As the humans start within the base with a battle rifle and magnum, with typical normal stats. There are a few weapons that are within the base including a radar jammar and flare (Tip: use the radar jammer wisely or you will pay the price, not only does it help the zombie it confuses your friends). I also recommended getting to the top of the base to the turrets and stop the zombie before he can enter. Extremely fun with a load of people I recommend at least 8 and up for an awesome experience. Also one more thing change the amount of zombies in the game variant depending on the amount of people you half. If you are able to get 16 do 8 vs 8. (Also there mongooses that you can drive out when the main entrance closes do this though at your own risk) Here are some Pictures THE BASE FROM THE FRONT VIEW THE CROSSING - WHERE ZOMBIES NEED TO RUN PAST IN ORDER TO GET TO THE BASE THE SNIPER BRIDGE TOOKEN FROM THE 3rd LoTR MOVIE where the king jumps off THE INSIDE OF THE BASE HOW THE BRIDGE LOOKS AFTER IT SPAWNS HOW THE BASE LOOKS FROM A DIFFERENT ANGLE Thank you for checking out my map Created By: GodsMistake and RiversiderKila
Re: LoTR Defense - This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too! never mind I can see the pics now. You may want to make them bigger though.
Re: LoTR Defense - le sigh. Go to imageshack, get the direct link for each picture, and put them in IMG tags. Code: [img]imageshack.us/yourpicture[/img] The map looks alright but nothing special about it.
You guys dont have to go to hard on me you know its my first map that I made and first map post, so they will get better with time. Also I dont get what im missing when you mean it doesnt meet requirements, I have written everything down so....?
What makes this map better than all the other zombie games? I have a ton of them, why should I download yours? (not trying to be hard on you)
I guess its a original design havent seen anyone try to do Lotr, also all the people that played with me told me it was really fun and it was well made and didnt need any changes. Also it doesnt have to be used just for infection you can just download the map and create your own game type for it.
Just Download the game variant (at top) and everything is set up for the version that I played, with all the changes. All you have to do if change is the number of zombies you want to start with depending with how many people you play with. Also please critize the map if there is anything that might need to be changed and i will fixed it and change it. REVIEWS WOULD BE NICE WITH THE PROS AND CONS OF THE MAP. Im also making another map on foundry purely made just for the Infection game type hopefully I have it up in the next day or so. And i was wondering what you guys like on an infection map and game type. I have a post running up for it in forge discussion so please post things that you like to see.
Well, I will think about it for now. I am at like 99 custom content out of 100. I am going to go delete some files that aren't as good then I will come back and see whether or not it is worth it.
I like the design of the Snipe tower, but is it too much? Depending on the amount of people playing it appears as if the zombies how no chance. Maybe I'm wrong but cutting down on the power weapons would add more excitement to the game.
Trust me its not too much the alpha zombie has good camo so once he gets in, he should go for the people with the power weapons causing the humans to have huge drawbacks.