Lotion For 8-12 players The map is basically an oval, with access to the center building and the outter walkway. The map is still being playtested (as I just made it a few days ago), so I'd like to hear what your thoughts about it are. Sorry this post isn't pretty, but I'll probably fix it up with more pics/vids later when I have abit more time. Newest Map version Download link - June 3 http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=18942931 Some pics: (Sorry, these pics suck. I'll get better ones soon!)
ROOF I dont know how much money or materials you have left but is there a way you could make it so the oval roof isnt just square you should make it so that its an oval roof!! i dont know its just an idea! otherwise its great! keep up the good work!! CottonSchwab
I have $2870 budget left, but I like to spend as little as possible to minimize any chance of frame-rate issues (esp. for split-screen). And the squared roof actually looks pretty good from the ground. Thanks for the comments guys!