Foundry LOST: The Hatch

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Oakdude9, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. Oakdude9

    Oakdude9 Forerunner

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    A One Bomb Game

    A Game by Oakdude9

    As soon as the words LOST turned across my Internet browser on, I knew I could make a Lost inspired map. I originally thought about a crashed Oceanic 815 on complicated. A bunch of huts on a beach...again in Sandbox...too easy. Hunter vs. Boar game and map...meh. A one bomb plant gametype in the underground Dahrma Initative Swan Station on Foundry...sweet. I spent the next few days finding blueprints and layouts of the hatch, wasting countless hours on Lostpedia and Finally, on a lazy Saturday...I screamed as yet again my team sucked so badly at team swat I wanted to go and play my Wii, I turned to the pile of Hatch blueprints, looked down at myt controller, and got to work.


    Hey everybody. I'm Oakdude9, and I am a big Lost fan. Once I finished my incredibly amazing and totally legit Hatch map, I noticed one thing: I spent most of my time building on gameplay and not aestetics. So if you are looking for a map to make a machinima based on LOST and you need the Hatch, this isn't the best place for you. Now on to Gameplay...


    As stated above, the main Gametype for this map is One Bomb, with a few modifications: No sheilds, magnum start, no grenades, 4 minute game length, 1 plant, and 5 lives. I tried this with 1 life...the biggest peice of bleh gameplay ever. I would give you a Gametype, but unfortunately all of my gametype/map/screenshot stuff is all taken up. Sorry. All right...heres how LOST: The Hatch play's. One team starts in the Hatch, The Defenders, whose goal is to stop the people who spawn on top of the Hatch, The Attackers, plant the bomb in the computer room. The Defenders get a small little weapon room to protect the computer room with. They get:
    If the Attackers plant the bomb and it explodes...then they win...duh. If they can not reach the room in under 150 seconds, blast doors close around the computer room, and it becomes a fun little Attackers vs. Defenders battle. The overall fast paced action of this Close Quarters Battle Map is very fun and enjoyable. I hope you have fun.


    This is my first don't judge me that bad. And overall...don't tell me what I can't do.

    The last part was a LOST reference. I really wan't to know what you guys think about this map. Mabey we will see a Version 2...or mabey not. Either way: Enjoy.


    #1 Oakdude9, Jun 6, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2010
  2. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    Ya need screenies bro or this'll be locked. No one else post about the pics. Sounds interesting though. Oh yeah, you also need a download link for us to try out this map.
    #2 cluckinho, Jun 6, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2010
  3. The1wHoOwnSu08

    The1wHoOwnSu08 Forerunner

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    :C nice try dood, but you need a few pictures, if you need help to do that read the following: play a game then go to theater mode and take screenshots of spots and an overviews of the map (you have to be on xbox live), then go to bungie, then search your spartan up and the screenshots should be on that page (supposivly the first thing you see) click on "screenshots" then click on the pictures you want (one at a time) and "save as picture", after you got the pictures saved head over to photobucket and sign in or make an account, once signed in upload the pictures and and copy the "IMG code" then go to forge hub make a new thread (just edit this one) and paste the code onto the text box thing and "preview" to see if it worked you can always edit it example:
    you got a download from me but i need to do it tommorow, looks like a solid map, if your going to make a v2, you should interlock a bit more to smooth the gameplay
    #3 The1wHoOwnSu08, Jun 6, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2010
  4. Oakdude9

    Oakdude9 Forerunner

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    Thank You So Much. For the DL and telling me how to post photo's. I will be interlocking more and adding more aestetics on the V2 (now that I know I should make one) Thanks again!

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