You guys really have this discussion going. I'd like to mention the relationships between the characters in the plane that doesn't crash (and afterward). Some are similar such as Boone's admiration of Locke's survival skills. We all know how Boone was a sort of apprentice to Locke on the island. Other relationships contrast those on the island. Charlie resents Jack. Jack wants to help Locke. No that you mention Desmond's appearance on the plane (I had forgot about it since I saw the episode), I realize it makes since. Desmond never went to the island. This make many questions arise. Why was he in Australia? Why is he going to LA? What role will he play in the coming episodes? Who else will we see? Well, I plan on rewatching the entire show in hopes of noticing foreshadowing as well as gaining a richer experience from the coming episodes. I already watched the first episode while I was on a plane. Oh, the irony!
I'm almost finished of rewatching season 2, 1 is already down. I watched 5 before this season started, so all I have is 3 and 4..though I may watch 5 again for kicks.
Hey random kid in the jungle that knows a lot apparently... WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?! Aaaaanyway, here's a list of all the names that are discernible from Jacob's wall: Names that were not crossed out 4 - Locke 8 - Reyes 15 - Ford 16 - Jarrah 23 - Shephard 42 - Kwon (Jin or Sun?) Names that were crossed out 10 - Mattingley 20 - Roup 64 - Goldstein 75 - Costa 90 - Troup 195 - Pace (Charlie) 222 - O'Toole 233 - Jones 291 - Domingo 313 - Littleton (Claire) 317 - Cunningham 346 - Grant Number Illegible - Reynolds Number Illegible - Almeda Number Illegible - Goodspeed (Ethan, the Others Dr.) Number Illegible - Sullivan Number Illegible - Pickett Number Illegible - Lewis (Charlotte) Number Illegible - Farraday (Daniel) Candidates for Jacob 2.0, huh? Interesting. Another interesting note... Jacob's ladder. WOW what a reference! For those unfamiliar, its from the Book of Genesis in The Bible. Jacob's Ladder went between heaven and Earth, and was ascended and descended by angels. One translation of the story involves several different 'angels' or exiles attempting to ascend the ladder into heaven, but they would eventually fall down. But the 4th angel (see the wall names above, Locke) was able to finally ascend up into the clouds. The guardian angel of this particular exile was Esau (Jacob's biblical nemesis, or the MIB in Lost, which is Fake Locke). Jacob feared that his people would never be set free from Esau's reign, but God assured him that Esau would eventually fall down too. Damn I love that reference. Great episode, best so far this season, IMO. I finally feel like we're starting to get somewhere.
Cliffside cave - Lostpedia - The Lost Encyclopedia Ben is listed as 117 (or at least Linus is), I thought that was lolworthy. But most interestingly, the list Straume (Miles) as crossed out, but last we know of Miles, he has not been "infected" nor has he died. We also know that his mother died, or at least was dying last we saw of her. Now with Littleton, assuming is Claire, we know that MIB doesn't have to kill them, just claim them. Or similar, he just has to make them leave the island (in the case of Littleton being Aaron). Or possibly, in the case of Linus being Ben and not his father, just had to decide of them as unworthy, which would make Straume understandable in his crossing out, though it wasn't visually shown of him doing anything to the caliber of Ben. Another note is they have Martin there twice, both listed as (Karl) and one as 33 and one as 337..which could have just been a simple mistake.
Jacob. This is further confirming for me that these two are very similar to Cain and Abel, if not direct embodiments of them. They can kill each other, but will never be rid of one another. This also changed my mind about this "loophole that MiB mentioned to Jacob. Now I think this loophole didn't have anything to do with Jacob's murder, rather a loophole in how to get off the island and go "home". Big question for me is, is this Sawyer's con of a lifetime (and his "reason" for being on the island)? To borrow a quote from The Usual Suspects, "How do you shoot the devil in the back?" By convincing him you're on his side, hopefully.
I don't think its Jacob. The kid refers to Jacob in the third person. I think its another 'special' kid like Walt is. Walt would always appear soaking wet int he island and drop some cryptic line/wisdom on Locke and sometimes others. This kid appeared once with super bloody arms (the first time to Richard and Locke), and once normally.
He does? I only heard him say, "you know the rules; you can't kill him." The 'him', to me, implies Sawyer. Besides, the kid looks remarkably similar to Jacob.
It could refer to Sawyer, actually. Thats interesting. But with the whole Esau and Jacob "you know you can't kill me" bits in Season 5's The Incident, it could go either way. Though, Esaud didn't technically kill Jacob, unless he burned to death rather than dieing from the shanks.
It could be Aaron through some time fluctuation thing. Also, I thought the kid was referring to Sawyer as well
in that timeline Aaron is in LA with Sawyers old girl he conned (forget her name), he's also still only a toddler
Ah you're right about Jim being with claires mom. But noons else who timetraveled actually changed their appearance