I like it, but the text has got to be smaller and have the font changed IMO. May I know, is the tree a separate image? Looks like it... Good job here, the border really looks good with it. But the low opacity text is the only problem for me.
Actually no, its an actual photograph, It looks awesome doesn't it? And alright, I will change the text soon and make a V2.
There's just a stock and then I added text, I know I did very little, but it looked really good, so i wanted to do something with it.
oh, well then, get a newer font, something that looks better. and set to soft light, if you didnt, instead of changing the opacity.
I would change the text placement and size, it looks very big compared to the small picture. I would also try and do a little more to the stock itself. You don't have to totally change it and you can still keep it simple, but throwing text on a stock is not much fun. It looks pretty cool and all but can you show me the stock. I have an idea for this. I don't care if you post it here or a pm but it would greatly be apreciated if I could have it.