Lost Paradise v1.1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mr. Skittles, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Lost Paradise
    Paradise happens to be the next Hell.
    made by Skittlemeister0

    Visit Paradise link >>> here <<<link
    Total Forging Time: 10 hours (new record)

    Supported Gametypes
    One flag (Maybe slayer and or KOTH)

    Welcome to Lost Paradise, my newest and most complex map to date. It resides on the frozen barren of Avalanche, and is set up for CTF One Flag (At least this version anyway. There is a Slayer variant coming soon).One side gets to defend their banner of win in the illustrious and myterious fortress of Paradise, and the other team gets to storm their fortress and steal their banner of win.

    The attacking team gets a Hornet, Banshee, Wraith, and two Warthogs. They also have two rocket launchers, one oversheild, a needler, and a regenerator (Trust me, they are definitely NOT too powerful).
    Paradise residents get the full benefit of a Spartan Laser, two Plasma turrets, one Machine Gun Turret, and an extremely confusing castle (see pics and you will understand).

    The middle area is blocked off, so the only way to access Paradise is by going around under the arch. The base itself is a floating one, so if you happen to fall off or are on foot, there is a teleporter leading to the middle area underneath the topmost tower.

    These are not shown in the pictures, but there are three little side "caves" on each of the three extensions made from upside-down watchtower bases and ramps. In each of these, which are accessed only by crouches, are the six SMG's placed on Paradise.

    Changes have been made. The middle area has now been unblocked, allowing passage through the cliff, but a machine gun turret blocks the way up, so vehicles can still hang in there. Flag has been moved, and circular teleporter has been edited: I t no longer kills you. Rather it sends you into the second original base of Avalanche, where the flag is now. There is no other way in, nor any way out. What happens now is that the defenders must defend the gateway, or else the attackers can get through and grab the flag, which is immediately deposited on the capture point underneath it. Think of this map now as a "Immediately capture the
    territory" map.

    Also, thanks to Draw the Line, a cannon man has been placed strategically for those who happen to be on foot. This takes you directly to the teleporter leading to the topmost tower, and is located by the first big mancannon from original Avalanche.

    A weapon list is available for those who want one.

    Weapon List:
    BR's x3 (each located in a tower accesible by jumping from the topmost tower.)
    Firebomb Grenades x3 (each next to BR)
    Spartan Laser x1
    Plasma Turrets x2
    Machine Gun Turret x1
    SMG's x6
    Deployable Cover, Trip Mine, and Power Drain, all x1 (each hidden in individual "caves", of which there is a picture below.)
    Rocket Launcher x2 (attackers)
    Oversheilds x1 (attackers)
    Regenerator x1 (attackers)
    Needler x1 (attackers)

    Also, a vehicle list:

    Vehicle List:
    All vehicles are attackers:
    Warthog x2 (mainly transport, as the base is floating, and there is a teleporter leading onto the base)
    Wraith x1 (mainly for bombardment/distracting the defenders)
    Hornet x1
    Banshee x1

    Pictures are present:

    A main overveiw:

    Another overview from behind it, near the original Avalanche base (not the attacker's base). You can see the teleporter leading up into the base on the very bottom of the pic:

    The attacker's base from outside:

    Here is the top of the tallest tower, decked out with the Plasma Turrets and Spartan Laser. As you can see, it is accesible by a teleporter, os which the sender is seen in the below picture.

    And here is the sender node. I tried really hard to include the other two-way, which is noticible at the top:

    This is one of the "caves" mentioned before. I'm not sure which one this contains, but there are three of these caves, and they each hold equipment (Power Drain, Trip Mine, and Deployable Cover):

    Now here is a long part. This picture is taken right next to the previous cave pic, and it is the entrance (one of many) to the "underneath" section.


    Now, here is a picture of the underneath section, taken right inside one of the entrances. You can see the teleporter leading up into the tower to the left:

    And here is a closer pic:


    Now, this is a view from the reciever node (actually a two-way), looking up into the small lift leading up into the flag room:


    And here is a pic looking down on the lift from above it. Remember, this is ABOVE the lift, not where we just were in the before pic.


    Here is the exit, looking in on an opposite angle (the lift is through that gap, in easier terms):


    And where might you lead? NOT deprived from Stargate maps. In fact, I did not even have that idea while making this. This is a view of th\e flag room on yet again the opposite side of the gap (basically, this pic was taken from abvoe the lift):


    If you look at the ceiling while in the flag room, this is what you will see: An escap route for the flag carrier, leading right to the top of the tower:


    Which is here:


    Two action pics (we did not have a very long match):

    Here is a Warthog driving up to the base. This pic gives another good overveiw from below of Paradise:



    Well, I hope you like this map, and I really hope you will download. Thank you for reading!

    EDIT: PLEASE READ! There have been changes. Please read description again.

    Edited by Skittlemeister0, kayaman132, and OMEGA1151, so now they have credit: Skittlemeister0: 33.3%, Kayaman132: 33.3%, OMEGA1151: 33.3%

    Special thanks to the amazing forger, Draw the Line, for some helpful insight, and the Administrator Dragoncoals for being no help at all. He gets the remaining .1% (dont be mad, Dragon, you saw this coming :D)
    #1 Mr. Skittles, Jun 28, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2008
    AqueousBeaver and GoodWhaleSushi like this.
  2. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
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    Another great structure on Avalanche. 5/5 for looks

    However, I don't know how well this would play, considering it is a large structure, then a base with vehicles. I think it looks great, and it would play great if people died when they fell off of the base. If you ever build another version, put it over the falling to the death area cliff.
  3. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Wow, I really like this, good job! You have my download, definitely!
  4. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Dang this map looks sick! I have a lot of respect for these kind of maps because I can't make them myself : p! Hope to see more good maps from you in the future!!
  5. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Don't listen to the second paragragh. This map could be the next Heatwave! It has exeptional ascletics and possably gameplay that compares to maps like Heatwave.
  6. Bacon Luvr

    Bacon Luvr Ancient
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    this map has great interlocking and merging and a cool design. 4.5/5
  7. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    5/5 indeed. I know how hard it is to forge on avalanche, and by the looks of it, you did an excellent job. I'm guessing this would be really fun to play as a custom, but I never get big parties going...
  8. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    Wow, looks like it took forever. I don't even have much to say. It just looks inticate. I love the tunnel and smaller rooms that seem to be everywhere on the floating base areas.
  9. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    i was lost and started staring at the pics when i saw the disfigured shape (in a good way) and the cool portals. looks really fun. i give 4.5/5
  10. Mount Killamonjaro

    Senior Member

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    I love how the base looks, not sure how it plays id test if my internet could dp more than download. 4.5/5
    #10 Mount Killamonjaro, Jun 28, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2008

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dang, this must be one the best avalanche maps yet
    The structure is amazing and very well made
    Looks like it would be a lot of fun to play on
    I love the Teleporter design thing.
    I also love the tallest tower, the design overall is incredible 5/5
  12. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    very cool map + gartz for not using foundry :)
  13. Sk84lyfe13

    Sk84lyfe13 Ancient
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    holy hell!! this is one of the greatest ctf one flag maps on avalanche. i cant wait for the slayer version!! also this is one of the most complex map ive ever seen on avalanche its the best map thats actually NOT IN A CAVE on Avalanche for like the first time ive seen 6/5!

    p.s. send me a pm when you get the slayer version done thanks! :)
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I can't give this anything less than 5/5, it really impresses me in so many ways.

    First off is the quality of the forging. The interlocking looks seamless and the intricate nature of the paradise structure, not to mention its sheer size, just blew me away.
    The level of design is also very impressive. You've obviously taken the time to integrate your structural work perfectly into the geometry of avalanche. I'm not just talking interlocking, I mean the way your work fits so well into surroundings. Its perfectly sized, laid out and proportioned for Avalanche. This makes or breaks non foundry maps, and this one definitely shines in this respect.
    The care taken in balancing the map is also very important. You've clearly thought about strategies and tactics for both teams and adjusted accordingly, which serves to solidify this map's overall quality in the very high regions.

    I love the layout of the floating structure, it avoids the trap of building structures and enclosures that are too small and fiddly. This is intricate in its construction but does not hinder fluid movement, its a great balance.

    I'm always impressed when people pull off a decent non foundry map, and ones like this which actually adapt the canvas map to a truly convincing and individual experience deserve acclaim.
  15. LaTurno11

    LaTurno11 Ancient
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    it looks awsome and the flag room is cool.5/5
  16. Jakattak418

    Jakattak418 Ancient
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    i like it it looks really well made and really fun to play on i will dnld and check it out so ya nice job
  17. Own3dyoo

    Own3dyoo Ancient
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    looks pretty good
  18. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    its a very nice structure on avalanch, but why does all the teleporters in the circle lead to a death node?, but other than that its a great map, nice interlocking.
  19. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    wow I like the fact that this is on avalanche. I will be realeasing a avalanche map soon. Also after I looked at the stargate teleporters I read I did not get this from stargate and in my head before I was like stargate then im like oh. lol
  20. Xxteroronwheels

    Xxteroronwheels Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This avalanche map looks great. I like the layout and consept of the map. From what i can see it looks fun to play. You could have built it at a better location. The post was good. Overall nice job 4/5

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