Lost Ground Created by Dmm White "Different areas of the map and different weapons are placed depending on the gametype. Reveal the Lost Ground." All Gametypes supported! Lost Ground is based on Valhalla and High Ground, symmetrical gametypes will reveal a more or less symmetrical map; the two bases are similar, similar weapon placements, the same vehicles etc, although the map its self isn't exactly symmetrical. Asymmetrical gametypes will block off the Attacker's Base (most of it actually removed, there is nothing of value on the other side of the wall, no weapons or vehicles) and the map plays more like Highground; the attacker's have a ghost and a mongoose and defender's have a mongoose and a Sp. Laser. Lost Ground is basically 2 maps in one, very similar maps but they play very differently. One of the things I like (and I spent the most time on) is the Defender's base. There are 2 bases in one, depending on what gametype you play. With asymmetrical gametypes you get a bunker, easily accessible from the space behind it or through the whole on top. It holds the flag and bomb plant point. In symmetrical gametypes the bunker is replaced with stairs, very easy to drive the mongoose in and out. The bomb and flag spawns are further towards the back of the base. The weapons on Lost Ground also change. For example, symmetrical gametypes have a sniper rifle at each base, where as asymmetrical gametypes have the sniper rifle positioned in the middle, slightly towards the attackers and the defenders get a Sp. Laser. Symmetrical gametypes - the weapons are similar to those on Valhalla Asymmetrical gametypes - the weapons are similar to those on Highground. Obviously, the same applies to the vehicles, except the warthog is replaced with a ghost because its not a very big map. Images! Yay! _________________________________________________ Symmetrical Defender's Base Defender's Base Inside Defender's BAse Attacker's Base (also with a tunnel underneath it to make up for it being a bit smaller) Defender's rocket spawn The wall has been destroyed! Central area, not much, just a load of junk and weapons Asymetrical Attacker's camp Defender's Bunker Inside defender's base There's a huge space under the defender's base - there's nothing there, I suppose it might be good in infection Active Camo spawn (only asymmetrical) Overshield spawn (also only asymmetrical) _________________________________________________ If anyone plays some good games on this map can they put the video clisp in their fileshare, I'd like to make a video with some gameplay in. Thanks. Download Lost Ground
I like the bridge idea you did...looks great...I dont like the dumpsters between the steps...maybe interlock a connex at and angle to make it look better or a couple to make steps...a littel bit of touch-up work to smoothi things out n you will be set! overall...great job!
very cool i only saw one or two spots where the floor didn't quite match up other then that it very nice.
not bad, I want to dl to play this. you seemed to capture the best part of the two best maps very well, I was thinking of doing a map like this, but I was going to have a little construct in it also. but you beat me too the main partsm so I might edit it al little if it's okay with you
The side areas are the only good things about this map in my opinion. Where the "bent bridges" are. That are looks very appealing but the openness and emptiness of this map is turning me off it... If the middle was like the side area then I would download this map... Sorry to be so blunt but it looks like someone knew what they were doing for one area then got some newb kid to come along and design a completely separate area.
Who told you my secret?!? Seriously though, thats a problem I have with a lot of my maps. They end up having a awesome section but that uses up half the budget, then I have half left for the rest of the maps and weapons! Perhaps with my next map I'll do it backwards, have an awesome middle section and then make the bases. Thanks anyway.
next time try using the infinite budget glitch. its very helpfull, but it doesnt really help the item limit -_-
Looks nice. I like what you did with the bridge ramps. It's also cool to see a real difference between symmetrical and asymmetrical games on the map.