Lost - 5th Season

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by E93, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. E93

    E93 Guest

    January 21st.

    I cannot wait.

    I know a lot of people gave up on Lost, and I can totally understand that, but, if you missed the 4th season, watch it. Better than 1, 2 and 3rd.

    I just really can't understand how they're going to be able to explain all the stuff that's been happening.

  2. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    When I was at my mom's for Christmas weekend, I watched all of Season 4. I've always loved this show, for reasons I cannot understand. As I re-watched the 4th season, I realized that things are getting completely out of control, and making less and less sense. Though I think I have figured some stuff out on my own or with help from friends (Such as what the "smoke monster" is) I can't help but feel that the ending of the Lost Series will be one big disappointment; either being something like "They were all dreaming" or completely out there such as "The tooth fairy accidentally turned on the dooms day device". But I look forward to the 5th season, and hopefully more answers ;)
  3. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    The show's quality is like an upsidedown-pyramid.

    The first season was the best, then the sophomore year (which is known to be very hard in the TV industry) started off strong and started to drift off towards the deep end. The third season was absolutely horrible, but started to get better towards the end. The fourth season was AMAZING, it renewed my faith in the show that had almost disappeared during the season before, it started strong, ended strong and was awesome in the middle. My favorite episode to date (and possibly favorite hour of television ever) was Desmond's episode in the fourth season called "The Constant", they used an old idea and totally rid it of cliches and commonalities. It was AMAZING...I've never felt so terrified and worried for a character...ever, but that episode had me hoping that he would hurry up and do this, do that in case something horrible happened (if you watch the episode you'll know what I'm talking about)...god...I loved that episode.
  4. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I too only worry about that. Although Im not completely sure, how many seasons will the show have. Anyone know?
    And Im really looking forward to what has become of the people on the island, I mean, did the island get moved 1000 miles away?

    And thnx for posting the date when it comes back, I totally forgot.
  5. E93

    E93 Guest

    I think I heard somewhere it was 6 or 9 seasons. I can't remember. But I do remember that the last episode ever won't be on TV. I think it's going to be a movie. Not 100% sure though.

    And, like you said about the island being moved, I have no idea.
    Until now, even if the explanations were radical, and made no sense, there were still explanations for the things that were happening, i.e. Casimir effect. But when Ben moved that island, and it just disappeared, then, not even all the explanations even scientists gave me would ever lead me to believing that could ever happen.

  6. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I think there to be 6 or 7 total seasons, but I cannot remember exactly.

    As for Sarge's Season analysis, I would have to originally agree. However, after season 4 I re-watched every episode from every season thus far, and it made everything instantly better. Everything made more sense in not making sense, I think that's the best way to put it. If you have seen every season so far, and have not gone back to rewatch them, I suggest you do and you'll see what I am talking about. But I totally agree with you there Sarge, on "The Constant" episode. It was such a mind****.
  7. E93

    E93 Guest

    Yeah, you do get confused if you only watch them once.
    Main reason probably being the longest times between seasons.

  8. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I never understood Lost, everything was so confusing, but that's what made it so damn good! Im still on season 3.
  9. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    To answer everybody's question, it's 6 SEASONS.

    yeah I thought I had a good idea of what was going on but the fourth season definitely made me go "wtf mates?". I want to see more of michael and his walt shenanigans in season 5.

    also, for any lost stuff, go here:

    it has literally anything you ever wanted to know about lost.
  10. E93

    E93 Guest

  11. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Island Moving

    The island was most likely not moved to a different location, but to a different time. A popular theory is that the island existed in the year 1996. That is why Locke can walk, Rose doesn't have cancer, and Jack's father is undead. People revert back to their 1996 versions when they are on the island. That also may be why Ben says they need to bring Locke's body back to the island. Locke may become like Jack's father if his body is taken back.

    I agree with Sarge. "The Constant" was the best episode of lost yet. Truly intense. The actor that plays Desmond is incredible.
  12. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    That is a great site, but if you guys want to try and wrap your head around the inner linings of Lost and the myriad of references tied into the show, check out this guy's site. He is one of the most well-read humans I've ever experienced, and there's no way in hell I could ever retain the massive amounts of information to make all of the correlations he does. It's fascinating and will leave you feeling like you know more, but not really.

    I can't wait for Lost to start again. I was hoping for some gems this season with Terminator and Fringe, but both of those shows have pretty much bored me.
  13. E93

    E93 Guest

    You know, that's a really good theory...
    Would explain a lot of things.

    Same here with Fringe.
    I watched the first 5 episodes or so, but I felt that it was becoming more of an ''self-inflicted obligation'' than something that I just want to actually do.
    I gave up on it, although Walter Bishop will still be one of my favorite characters ever.
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Seriously, what's so great about Lost? I watched the first two episodes, but then I got bored of it. The most recent episode I watched was one where they had to type in a code every 100-and-something minutes or somthing would happen. Probably. Anyway, what happened after that episode? And do they know what the thing knocking down the trees was in the first episode? Or why there was a polar bear on the island in the 2nd episode? Update me, I would like to try and get into this.
  15. E93

    E93 Guest

    I cannot honestly tell you everything that's happened if I tried to tell you.
    But, let me tell you something I tell everyone that says they watched a couple of random lost episodes and didn't like it. Watch it from the begging and watch a whole season of it.
    Just watching a random episode to you, several things will go by unnoticed, and it won't be fun. It'll just seem boring as crap.

    EDIT: Oh, you saw the first two episodes.
    That still doesn't count, because not much Dharma-fun happens then.
    You need to watch the new seasons broski. But to get there, watch the other ones.
  16. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Both my fiancee and I loved to watch lost. However, upon finishing up season three we lost interest. Fast forward to this Christmas and someone bought me season four. We watched start to finish in just a few days time. Season four renewed our faith in the lost series. I wish I could hypothesize what is going to happen in season five, but everytime I believe I know whats going on. The show twists and turns and surprises me. What I do believe is that some sort of time distortion is happening, because of the way they are presenting the episodes.
  17. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    It doesn't sound like you were bored to me. Sounds like you are pretty hungry for some answers. That's the general feeling you get from watching lost.

    Answers(You might not want to read these because it's much more fun to catch up by watching):

    1. There was a fundamental debate about what would happen if they let the clock run down to zero in the hatch without entering the code. Locke, who had been the biggest advocate for button pushing lost his faith after finding another hatch that seemed to elude to the fact that the button pushing was just a psychological experiment observed and recorded by the other station. During the final countdown Desmond came to the realization that he may have caused the survivors plane to fall out of the sky by letting the clock run down too far on the day of the crash. Before he could stop Locke, Locke smashed the computer leaving Desmond no choice but to turn the fail safe key under the hatch. That caused the hatch to implode and sent Desmond back in time to relive his life over, only he could not change any of the major decisions in his life as he was destined to end up on the island.

    2. The "monster" in the jungle is a black cloud of smoke that has killed several people on the island. It is referred to as a security system. Ben claims he does not know what it is, but when his own life is threatened by mercenaries hired by Charles Widmore he seems to summon it to attack his rivals.

    3. The Polar Bears are left over from the Dharma Initiative experiments. There are cages, which later end up housing Kate and Sawyer, where they were kept. There was an elaborate system in the cage to figure out how to make a fish biscuit come out of an electrified machine. Sawyer figured it out, but one of the others tells him that the bears figured it out much more quickly. Kate and Sawyer end up getting down in the cages, too.
  18. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    I never watched Lost, I just couldn't keep up with the story. None of it made sense to me. Maybe I'm just stupid.
  19. E93

    E93 Guest


    According to my Countdown:
    1 Day
    2 Hours
    13 Minutes
    5 Seconds

    Only thing is, I think it's actually 3 or 4 hours, instead of 2, since it should start at about 8 or 9 EST. I think.
  20. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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