Lord Of The Flies

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Fire Phoenix117, Dec 10, 2009.


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  1. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    Lord of the Flies
    Fire Phoenix117

    Hello everyone its been awhile since I posted. Fortunately for you I got a map preview and I think it would be good to show a new map that I been recently making. The map is in construction about 40% done with. I need personal opinions on how I should continue and what you guys think so far. My map is based around a deserted island that is located in the pacific ocean somewhere. I got this idea from a book i been reading and well so far it sucks because if you understands its deeper meaning you will hate it, but anyway its about three main boys Ralph, Piggy, and Jack. I will unravel more when i post the full version.

    Lord of the Flies is an allegorical novel by Nobel Prize-winning author William Golding. It discusses how culture created by man fails, using as an example a group of British schoolboys stuck on a deserted island who try to govern themselves, but with disastrous results. Its stances on the already controversial subjects of human nature and individual welfare versus the common good earned it position 68 on the American Library Association’s list of the one hundred most frequently challenged books of 1990–1999. In 2005, the novel was chosen by TIME magazine as one of the one hundred best English-language novels from 1923 to present.
    Published in 1954, Lord of the Flies was Golding’s first novel, and although it was not a great success at the time—selling fewer than three thousand copies in the United States during 1955 before going out of print—it soon went on to become a bestseller, and by the early 1960s was required reading in many schools and colleges. It was adapted to film in 1963 by Peter Brook, and again in 1990 by Harry Hook.

    Actual Picture of the Island

    Here's some pictures that I started awhile ago...

    Here we got the beach and the area from the book where the kids make a signal fire of the little platform.

    Castle Rock

    Frontal View of Castle Rock

    Now some Recent Pictures..

    Now if you notice this is where Ralph and Piggy washed up shore and if you notice the indent to the left of the area that would be the scar or damage from plain crashed.

    Now this is some area i just finished.

    Now the original gametypes for this map are going to be Regular infection,and slayer.

    The custom gametype will be Primal its a game where one man must run through the island trying to find a weapon to use to kill everyone.

    Well thats pretty much it for now, I will add more pictures to this thread so if you guys what to see the progress or whatever.
  2. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    I believe you showed this to me the other day, and I have to say, the Idea is fantastic and I really loved reading lord of the flies, I would love to help you out with this anytime, phoenix.
  3. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Does a boulder roll down a hill and kill Piggy in your map? That was the best part of the book. Goddamn, he was so annoying. Anyway, the map looks very interesting, and the gametype sounds fun as well. I hope to get a chance to play this with a party.
  4. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Lies. Horrible horrible lies.

    Though I do wonder about Golding's reasoning behind half-naked little boys alone on an island full of pigs, sadists and slightly homosexual tendencies...

    Anyway, map looks good. I'm waiting for Simon's clearing before I make a final judgement. You should make an oddball point on a tipcup pole to recreate the pig's head.
  5. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    Really?!, I'm doing that book in English right now and I hate it. Not the story, we have to analyze it and all the meanings behind everything I think is stupid. Seriously who writes a children's book then puts some deep meaning behind it. It is stupid, same goes for Animal Farm.

    Sorry, anyways you have a good idea and there aren't too many islands map out there so I can't wait to see this one when it is done.
  6. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    Lies its true I hated the fact that its pretty much saying order with laws and rules will fail and chaos or savegery in this case will reign supreme.
    Also thats not a bad idea oddball i might put that in..

    Maybe I dunno yet how the gametype will be yet and also about the boulder maybe but Thats just terrible to say that I mean i know he was annoying but he was right after all but the idiot was stupid enough to get killed..
    Yeah ROFL i showed you the old version but sure you can help but when are you able?

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