Thank you, i will be running more tests tomorrow, i will get video to you of game as soon as it is made. Appreciated [br][/br]Edited by merge:
Age of wonders, god sorry about that! I can get you it done, ill have it ahead of kino, but my list is getting ever big, so I cannot guarentee anything to anybody at this phase. I can guarentee you taht I will do my upmost though! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Skyjacked is rendering now. Will post full link when done! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Rendered and uploaded! Enjoy! And sorry about the camera shake, it messed up when I rendered for some reason. YouTube - Skyjacked!
Alright, I appreciate you at least trying to fit mine in, thank you. A preview can be seen of the map here, and I have gameplay footage, but rendering it would be a problem due to my lack of render points, but I can put it on my fileshare? If you want me to do that I'll update this comment and post my fileshare link.
I will get back to videos soon. everything is normal. Out of interest, would you guys be interested in a live stream or timelapse of an edit??
Hello, the map has been a great success, if you do mange to get time to do my map, i think a mixture of both live stream and timelapsed. The more creative the better, between the two versions and gametype i had 10000 dls in a week. Not trying to brag, just keeping u informed.
Oli The G, if you're into helping people I could really use some help :3 Can't access my xbox atm, and won't be able to for some time, but really want to post my updated Lockout re-make (most accurate to scale you'll get, I swear. Contains all jumps without using cheesy blocks to help ya :]). I'd really appreciate it if you could just record a walk through (on a game of FFA with settings changed so you have 120% speed, 125% jump and 150% gravity) of my Lockout re-make (cleverly titled Mockout). No editing or anything, and it'd be great if you could upload the raw to someplace like Meagaupload, or Mediafire, etc for me to download and edit for myself. It'd be extra awesome if you could go into theater mode and take screenshots in the same places as these ones: Halo 2 Lockout/Map Overview - Halo2 Wiki - Halo 2 Multiplayer Guide, Maps, Weapons, Strategy I'd be able to download them off your recent screenshots section on your profile. If you don't wanna record a walk through of my map I'd really appreciate it if you just took those screenshots ^_^ All credit would go to you. So you feel like helping me out? Download link to the map: : Halo Reach : File Details If you don't then that's fine :3
You really think I should do a live stream? Ill consider it. And your map shoulkd be next on my list then. I you have any gameplay please upload it! As for music I was thinking along the lines of this: YouTube - Requiem For A Dream - Full Theme Song Not the whole thing, but just a snippet, probably somewhere in middle-end 2 is on hiatus at the moment, can't get hold of the creator 3 is a work in progrress. If you really want i'll livestream
Cool , i do have a video, but i'd rather make another, will get it done tonight, as a couple weren't playing , being an infection map, need to get some younger players who enjoy that gametype first. Sounds of zombies and game start of kino zombies would really add to effect, and the start picture that viewers initally see would probably be best as action shot or something that would grab interest. I will do my best to get a couple of good videos done and will post link. Thanks again. Also with the live stream, i would build some hype first so you would have plenty of viewers. I usually watch recorded and not live. So little unsure how it works with views and that .
obviously hype shall be arruired, along with tea. No crumpets though. Ok crumpets. Action shots I fairly often do, I will see how well it works. And actually, if you really want I could just do a stream while your on so we can coallaborate a bit. Then get a few others' opinions Right, just a quick update here: I am putting ALL edited videos on hiatus for next week. Ive got 9 exams next week to check our progress, and I really need to spend my time preparing. If you are lucky, then there will only be a delay of 4 or 5 days However, if it is just a walkthrough that is required, by all means ask me to render one for you. A predone file would be helpful.
Hey, I need a video for my soon to be released Timberland. Link to the preview; I will send you a link to the map soon.
again, any gameplay would help. But please read the above post, im on a temporary hiatus, or at the best expect BIG delays
Sorry for not getting back with video. Fileshare being full doesnt help. I couldn't log in for week hence slow reply. I have got a new map if you are interested in doing a video of it please? Hot off the press, all set for Easter, its called Easter island scarab invasion. I think it could do well. Its had 350 page viewes in 18hrs. Please let me know what you think. Also hope your exams went well.
Right, i;m back in buisness. hurrah! Exams have gone prettyn well, just missed on a few A*'s by like 1 or 2 marks, but i'm not acually sitting them properly till next year so no complaints. But in RE I was only 2 off full, so its all good. The moment I get time I will definatly get back to your videos, sorry about all your delays, and I may also put up a video shownig the editing procedurez
MAP NAME:Warsaw(V2)... GAMETYPE:CTF,TS,FFA,ODDBALL. Videos is in my file share a walktrought video and a gameplay video too ! Song : Warsaw from Them Crooked Vultures ... Thank you .