I already have about 3-4 players for MLG Game Battles and im looking for some spares. If you are interested, please contact me via PM. We will soon be holding tryouts. Contact "EOD Markus" via Xbox Live or PM.
hit me up, the only account i have up right now is secondaryyyyyyy (7 y's) but my DoTTii account is a 44 in MLG
I'm down with the brown. Hit me up. By the way, I tried adding the gamertag you supplied but it says its invalid.
Hey I'd like to join. I'm a seasoned veteran, played in the MLG circuit for a little while before traveling to the mainland from Hawaii was too expensive. Right now I'm playing on my new account, V ii r t B R, because my old one got hacked. I used to be a level 42 in MLG, but now I'm around a 7 after playing for a couple hours. I'm use to the pressure, I know callouts, and I'm very versatile, I can play Main Slayer, Objective, or Support. Add me on Xbox, my gamertag is V ii r t B R, or I'll add you if I get around to it. Well, hope to make the team!
open bracket...probably not top 64 either, but event xp is nice I will give you that, just dont make claims that sound awesome, but in reality isnt actually amazing considering where you most likely placed. But yeah, the travel costs for an event suck, and I'm from NC