Im in need of 5 people who are good at following directions and wont mess around or lollygag, Ive been working on a new machinima music video, and Im half way trough it, but this next part is kinda big, and i cant do it by myself with only four controls, well, i can but im way to lazy, and it would look more epic with all the characters i need instead of just 4 at a time. Also, if you end up messing around and/or not follow directions and blah blah blah i will be booting yer ass, we clear? So tomorrow, august 28 sometime after 4pm pacific time, Me and toochie will start recording. So if anyone wants in, and wont mess around, please let me know here. Dont forget your Gamertag also. The Music video being made is to this song and I are gonna be making a few videos about the story of Megaman (guy on my sig) using some of the songs by "The Protomen". man i ****en love this band. Check em out. - THE PROTOMEN!! - NASHVILLE, Tennessee - Other / Other / Other - or
hey DrawingMan I could do that. GT= Murdock Sampson (yeah I'm already on your list oh well). I have my 2v2 game at... wait nvm. That's 8 EST. so i should be able to do that. I make qualifications?
OK. hopefully I can be of service. Although I better add the date to my phone, otherwise I'll totally miss it cuz I'll be doing Sketch-up or GIFs.... btw if i start screwing around w/o noticing it, just yell at me... lol
Lols... also my schedule is subject to change... a lot. So I'm not doing anything as in I don't have anything on my schedule. If like a friend wants to hang I'll have to turn them down, but if my parents want me to do something, I can't say no. They're paying for my stuffs.
my gamertag is the same as my username. i might already be on your friends list. if you need me and i'm on then i'm in. And yeah, im pretty sure it's about 9:00 EST?? lol thanks murdock
oh wait it is in PST? I thot it was on EST. I'm on PST so I was thinking the wrong time. I can still do it for an hour.... but yeah thats all. if it'll take longer, than i'll either miss part or you'll have to drop me btw, thats 9pm EST
9pm EST, sure? Time zones confuse the heck out of me... It must be 7 PM EST then.... I might be a little bit late. That's usually when I have dinner. I'll try to be there as early as possible.
it's somewhere around 7 to 9. the world clock on my phone says is an hour off when i look at where i'm at. wtfffff. i'm still going to say it's 8 EST.
How about I just send you guys invites the moment I see you guys online? to many numbers making my head hurt
DrawingMan, I guess I'll help. I'm already on your friends list so send an invite when you want to start films. It's EST -5 here.
did you calculate DST? its 4 here. +1 hour to mountain. +1 hour to central. +1 hour to EST. wow that is 7. wtf was i thinking when i said 9? i guess i add 2 when i'm thinking weird... i was probly like "well i see an odd number so its right" as long as it was an odd number and close it would've worked. lol so i think its 7 EST. all i know is add 3.
Too Confusing, I agree. Just send me a FR first, then an invite. I'll be there sometime today, hopefully. Still gotta fininsh this horrible book before school starts