A while ago there was a foundry remake on foundry that had interlocking and other neat stuff. [not industries <3 which I was also looking for but found my self] The one specific thing I remember about it is that they added a sort of third floor[Beautifully interlocked] near default power drain spawn for the shot gun. Sorry for posting a thread about it but I'd spent a good chunk of the day looking for it and haven't found it. : [ Who ever finds it get's a free sig for them or someone else [if they want it]
so it's the foundry set that comes with the map, except with a third floor and a change of weapons? I've never heard of it; I'm just asking because your post is kind of vague.
Don't worry about posting a thread asking a question. I personally have nver herd of such a map but I would be happy yo put forth an effort to find it. Watch this post, if I find it i'll update this post. Edit: Sorry no luck.
Well I know there was an MLG Foundry which was made to be symmetrical and interlocked nicely MLG Foundry
: [ Thanks for trying. Thats not it. : [ The one I'm looking for had a similar base structure to original foundry but it was a complete makeover aesthetically, the area near original powerdrain spawn consisted of upside down double boxes for floors.
Thanks anyways. And it wasn't pankratation. If I remember correctly It might have had a defaultish name like Foundry 2.0 or Foundry V2 but I can't find either on bungie or here searching for that just gets me a bunch of v2's of other map's that where made on foundry.
Damn I just remembered that the map was before the new bungie tag system so it's that much harder to find, I think I found a/the original thread at bungie but that sections long been deleted so all that remains is the fragment in the search engine which didn't show a name or anything. Well I guess I shall give up my search for now, but if anyone at any time in the future stumbles upon this search and knows the map don't hestiate to pm me I don't care if its 2020. : p