Hey guys. So, I've decided I want to get back into forging (MW2 = no one to play Halo with and a ton of free time) and I've got a few ideas floating around. But I don't have the patience to forge a map alone and I'm going to need some help. Here's my first idea, I threw this together in about 5 minutes but it should give you an idea of what I'm going for: As you can see, it's a vehicle-based BTBish map, but because the bases are on the dunes, it's gonna require geo-merging. A shitload of geomerging. Which is something I'm not good at. I'm currently thinking of designs for the bases, the main ones will probably have different designs. So if anyone's interested in co-forging/designing this with me (at the most, I'd want two other people but even that seems like a bit much), add me on Live, or leave me a message here.
lucky, considering I already built the "epic bridge". just shoot me a friend request and ill give you the unfinished map. I suppose I could also help in design and forging if you want.
I can help out if you'd like. I could even try and get Noxiw to help out (and by try, I mean force because he's, like, my dog, and by dog I mean *****, and by ***** I mean bro, and by bro I mean...)
maybe when I've finished my map I'll come and forge with you. Also I wont be online until 2morrow, so I'll show you what I've done to the map then.
Hahah, Brendon you were definitely on my list of people I was hoping would notice this. If you and Noxiw were both in on it, it'd be a beautiful map for sure. I think I still have him on my friends list but I'll add you next time I get on. Used Man: is the "epic bridge" (and we're not calling it anything else, btw) at least one double-wall length wide? Y'know, something suitable for Warthog jousting and all that fun stuff. Thats what I had in mind. Either way, throw it up on your fileshare and I'll take a look at it tomorrow.
Alright, I'll check it out as soon as possible. I may end up changing a thing or two but it'll be a total relief if I don't have to build my own epic bridge from the ground up. Thanks man.
Sounds cool but i suck at geo-merging, hell ive never even done it. But im pretty good at normal forging nice idea tho i will probly DL wen it comes out cuz vehicle maps R da best
you already have some legit forgers with you, but if you need a break or something i can help out. im a good forger, but i just dont have the patience to make a full map by myself. but i can help out with yours, i can spend a few hours without getting totally frustrated.
Well, the absolute basics of the epic bridge are layed out (thanks again to Used Man), and I have some design concepts in mind. I guess the next step is to start forging, so anyone interested (Scobra? You and Noxiw talked about it at all?), please let me know what good times for forging sessions are. I'm in EST time.
I'm not gonna help forge, but I'll give you a tip. PLEASE let the sides of the map be equal to the bases so people will actually use the sides. Especially with spawn points.
What do you mean by "equal to the bases" exactly? I'm going to try to fill up as much space as possible without making it too crowded for the Wraiths but I intend on having all the sides as even as possible. (And anyone planning on helping me pleaseee let me me know soon, I have almost no time for forging at all this week so I want to try to set something up.)
i can help. we could easily just do the tag team method, where i work on it, than i pass it to you, etc. because i lack a mic for us to discuss and than we could get more forge sessions in because we wouldnt both have to be on. are the wraiths going to be movable? i know a way for them to be able to rotate without moving so it would be convenient.
That works, actually, my mic is kinda ****ed up anyway. Tomorrow I'll try to remember to add you and put the bridge template Used Man donated to me up on my fileshare. If not tomorrow, I will definitely be able to by wednesday.
Sorry I didn't clarify. When I said equal, I meant that players hould both be in the middle and off the the sides. On most maps you want players to move around as much as possible so there aren't any choke points in the game. Tho avoid choke points, give reason for the players to move elsewhere. You could add a power weapon or crate a more tactical position to push players toward that area. Now about spawn points. If you put spawn points only close the bases, that's where most of the fighting will probably happen. Of you place spawn points out where no one wants to be, then they have to walk all the way back to a point of interest. If you place spawn points everywhere on an "equal" map, then it will work out. Sorry if it's too confusing. If you just find it too hard, just ignore it.
Well, uh yeah. That's why most of the vehicle spawns are on other sides of the map. The bridge is supposed to be a massive chokepoint (with CTF in mind, for example) but I intend on having plenty of other places for players to go, and spawns that are spread out enough so nobody just dicks around in the same spot.