Looking for Forge Staff

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Timeout 19, Aug 23, 2008.

  1. Timeout 19

    Timeout 19 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Im Timeout 19 and I am currently looking for some people who really like to forge and share maps. I am looking because I would like somebody to lead my clan's (Team Timeout, TeamTimeout.com) Forge division. We have alot of machinima directors, but we dont quite have that edge on the Forge side like we used to.

    We have had a weekly event called "Forge Friday" in January and Febuary, but it got canceled because of the machinima takeover. I wish to bring the event back, but I would like some help from real and mature forgers. So I came to ForgeHub. :)

    If you are interested or have any questions I would perfer to talk by IM at the moment so my AIM is "Timeout190" and my windows live is kyle_justice@yahoo.com.

    Thank You

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