Looking for Forge Partner for New 4x4 Map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Zemmiphobiac, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. Zemmiphobiac

    Zemmiphobiac Promethean

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    I'm looking for someone to help me work on what is aimed to be a 4x4 symmetrical map that will be built on Forge Islands. I have been using forge since back in Halo 3 and have a decent amount of experience and have great ideas but have never really published any of my work. When I make maps (not sure if this is good or bad) I like to incorporate them in some way into the existing Halo fiction. This will be based off of a space elevator like the most commonly known one in New Mombasa but will most likely be themed off of a smaller one found on an off-world colony. I will take creative license though and change some aspects to make it a more fluid and enjoyable multiplayer map because at the end of the day that's what counts. For the project, I want someone who will be willing to help with the planning and development of this map and will follow through. Here are some examples of what I'm basing it off of.

    General Concept Art of the New Mombasa Space Elevator:

    Featured in ODST:

    Close up of the center area that will feature the map:

    Please leave a message below if you are interested.
    -Zem [​IMG]

    P.S. I may or may not be able to get on tomorrow. The fan in my power brick gave out and so my Xbox wont run :(. I will be able to get a new one this weekend for sure though.
    #1 Zemmiphobiac, Apr 6, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2013
  2. pop

    pop Promethean

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    i would be able to help on fridays but in return i want to have you play test a map that i made and then i can post it BUT you will get some credit as well.

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