Hi there, The name's Zinni. (GT = o Zinni o) I have recently put together my first computer. I figured Windows 7 64-bit would be the best OS to put on it, so I did. It works great so far, but the only problem I'm facing is now I don't have a cap card that is compatible with my current OS. (GameBridge) - I made it work for Vista, but I tried doing the same thing with Windows 7 and it failed. Since the quality isn't mint and I have money now, I'm looking into buying a new & better one. This is where my dilemma begins. What is a (good) capture card that is compatible with Windows 7 64-bit? Do any of you machinima-makers out there have Windows 7 64bit? If so, what cap card do you use? Is the quality good? How bad is the delay? These questions are pretty much the only concerns I have for which product I buy. As long as it works with W7 64Bit, has great quality, and doesn't have more than 50ms of delay, I'm good with it. Please discuss. If you don't have one, but can either find one, or know of one, feel free to share your thoughts. Thanks for any help in advance, ~ Zinni
Erm, might I ask which Capture Card you are using? You can make it compatible with earlier versions by right clicking and going into, "Properties" and then clicking on, "Run in Compatibility mode for :" then selecting Windows Vista or Windows XP, either one depending on which one you want to use. This won't affect how it runs by the way. If you do want to upgrade your Capture Card though, I suggest looking into the Hauppauge HD PVR; here's a link :Teh Link
Yea that's how I made it work with Vista, but I guess it's just too old to use for Windows 7 - I thought I put the name of it in the OP, but I might not have. The name is Game Bridge. Another friend of mine recommended Happauage products so I'll definitely be checking that out. Thanks for the help bro!
Yes, Hauppauge HD pvr for external cards for sure... I don't have one, but plan on getting one in the near future. I highly recommend it, I've seen footage from it and it's BEAUTIFUL... Just look up mw2 HD PVR test, or something. It's about $200 I believe though. Hauppauge Computer Works Online Store- Hardware Knock yourself out...
What about Internal cards? Those are perfectly fine as well...and the fact that it's 200 isn't the problem as much as the fact it's not in stock anywhere until March 15th or some ****. If there's one thing I have nothing of, it's patience. And a working cap card of course.
Hauppauge Computer Works Online Store- Hardware There's all hauppage's hardware products, I haven't looked into internal as I have an Imac so it isn't an option... But the HD PVR's are out of stock until March 8th, not too far from now... I would rather wait a week or two and get a good cap card than get it now and have a shitty one.
Hmm...well said my good sir ahahah, well said. I think I'll practice patience for this one. Hopefully I won't regret it. Thanks for the help guys!
No problem, and by the way, welcome to forgehub... Noticed you have a fairly low post count, most of which are this thread... I hope to see you active in the machinima world soon! PM me with any questions, and if you need script ideas(I've got quite a few)