Hello all, I've been forging for a while but am new to the site. I don't know about any of you, but all to often I find myself with the start to a good map, and then I get bored and lazy and go "Oh well, looks like I won't be finishing that one!" and then move on to forge my latest idea. I have some 30 maps that I have started and never finished, and only four or five that I have FULLY completed with no glitches. I have found though that when I'm working with a forging partner maps often go faster and smoother for both of us, and we are able to improve upon the map and eachother. The problem is that my forging friends RifleGaming, ItsMitchell, and Iflod like to make maps solo for the most part, or with Skeie Brothers or someone like that. So I am now in need of another forging partner. Self Evaluation: I would like to say I'm a great forger, and would label myself as advanced. I am a big picture type of person, so I try to view what I want my maps to feel like when they're done, and try to build to acheive said feel. I have a lot of great ideas, I am the one and only maker of the working tractor beam, though saying I'm the only one isn't exactly fair since all it is a glitch on my harddrive or maybe even the disc that allows me and only me to make a tractor beam, I am also the creator of the cave in aesthetics (probably a spelling fail) system, and more. I tend to shy away from the classic forerunner styled slayer maps we have all come to know, and instead I like to make more urban themed maps such as my best map, a docking bay (link)Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details although I'm willing to make forerunner type slayer maps with other people, it's just that they bore me if I spend more than a week creating the initial map. So, yeah, that's pretty much it. If you'd like to forge with me (or, rather I'm asking you guys to forge with me) than just contact me. I am looking specifically for someone who is at least as good as I am, preferably better as a forger. Again, I can make up for a difference in forging skill by my vast collection of glitches that I and only I have found (no joke nobody else has made what I have made) and my numerous ideas for maps, map design, map conepts, map/gameplay mechanics, etc. I'm assuming that everyone in this group has some skill with forge, but I am looking for someon who is more than good but is great. I honestly think it would benefit both of us. Thanks for your time everyone who reads this, and hoepfully I will be able to forge again as a partner.
Do you mean you? Or is there some link I'm supposed to follow or what? Actually, if you mean you, that would be great assuming your good at forge. I'll send a friend request when I get on in an hour.
OK, I'll send you both requests in like half an hour. [br][/br]Edited by merge: UPDATE: Swat, I'm sorry but to be completely honest your friends are really annoying and keep us from forging. Separately, being brutally honest here you're a pretty good forger especially compared to your friends, but I'm looking for people on a whole different caliber of skill level. So basically I decline, but respect your skill as a forger, and we will hopefully still remain friends.