Ok, heres the deal. Im sick of getting paired with losers that have no clue at all about what a call-out is. Im a 32 but cant seem to get any higher than that. So here i am and rock me like a hurricane Use this template.
GT:stickmanmeyhem Doubles Rank: 14 (was 16, but thats cause i keep gettin paired with losers who leave and make it a 2v1 and I'm always up against pro's or boosters) Weapon Combo: BR and Sniper Rifle (this is weapons we love/are good with rite?) Favorite Map: OH MAN! SHOTTIE SNIPERS ON LAST RESORT! FTW!!! EDIT: I have all DLC EDIT2: Think of it this way, if you choose me, you can do close skill range, and we can pwn noobs together.
Gamertag: AceOfSpades0707 Doubles Rank: 24 Weapon Combo: BR and anything Favorite Map: Guardian Have All DLC
Gamertag: MaverickFireIce Doubles Rank: 41 Weapon Combo: BR and anything else Favorite Map: Construct Hi if you want to play with me then we should try out some customs to see if we work well together
Gamertag: Bunny BorG Double rank: 1 Weapon Combo: Sniper/BR/Shoty or Muller Favorite Map: Onslaught, or Pit MLG rank: 42 EXP: -107
Gamertag: Novak Feeds Double rank: 1 Weapon Combo: BR/Snipe Favorite Map: Pit MLG rank: 1 EXP: -11 Pick your poison
Gamertag: i have like 7 active. just message me on OMG_clutch on xbl if you want to play ill go to a different tag. Double rank: 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 17, 22 Weapon Combo: battle rifle// Favorite Map: Anything slayer BR MLG rank: 50 EXP: ha uhm depends on GT.