Look Up on Splatpipe "I've got it!... I've got it!... DEAMN!" Hi everybody! So, you all know the TV game show "Hole in the Wall" ? No? Well, it involves a wall approaching someone, and in the wall there's some kind of hole. The person standing in front of the wall has to try and find a way to squeeze himself through the hole before the wall pushes him off the platform, into the water. Now, this is Hole in the Wall in Halo, but then vertical. The wall is not coming towards you, it's falling down on you. All kinds of vehicles, objects, and more fall down on you in groups (waves), and you have to try and find a hole between the objects, so they don't splatter you and so that you can survive that wave. About 9 waves come towards you, some more difficult than others. Watch out! Don't try to camp in a corner, thinking you are safe, because the walls can get a little bouncy sometimes! This minigame is very fun with a lot of people (6-14). {Time spent building map: 6 Hours} Have fun and stay clean! DuTcH BoosTeY Here are the map and gametype again: Map: Splatpipe Gametype: Look Up
Interesting! I love splatter gametypes, they are very interesting. I will see how this plays out Does it eventually end? Or is there a constant stream?
The base at the bottom felt too narrow and the constant bouncing made it nearly impossible to avoid the big items such as the tank. I really wanted to like this, but it just didn't really work out. If the tube was twice the diameter, or the bouncing was not so distracting, it could have worked. It was just not fun for me, sorry.
It ends at the end of all 8 waves. 3 killballs will then come down the pipe and kill everyone. So at the end, to see who won, you just have to look for who has the most points, because a death is -1. How did it go? Did you like the map? I'd love to have some more feedback! [br][/br]Edited by merge: I'm sorry to hear you didn't like it, but that's the only way to pull this minigame off. Those shields are the only objects that let objects pass through, without letting spartans fall down. And that's what causes the bouncing. I personally think it makes it even more fun, but that's my opinion. And i have put the same shield doors at the sides of the pipe, because otherwise you could just camp in a corner and not get hit, now you will get bounced off the walls if you camp there.