Hello, I'm Paralyzed King.. Before I get asked this question.. Not I am not actually Paralyzed.. My gamertag is the same as my username. I got my Gamertag from a combination of two songs.. 1. Paralyzed by the Used.. 2. Paralyzing Kings by 10 Years.. Both are incredible songs, So I took something from both and got Paralyzed King. So you can call me King, Paralyzed King, or if you really want to you can call me by my actual name which is Mike. I'm 25 years old, about to be 26 in 3 weeks.. I'm obsessed with music, & video games.. I've been a member of Forgehub since January but never actually introduced myself to the site.. So.. Hey! I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the greatest Halo player in the world I'll never claim to be nor say I am, I mostly play Halo for fun Rocket Race is my forte, with Big team battle coming next.. Thanks in part by Creep1ng De4th who turned me to both of them. I'm a pretty easy going guy, unless you are persistent in trying to piss me off, which in that case you will be pwned. So that's it really.. I'm always willing to help where I can, or If I can't I'll point you in the direction of someone who can. - Paralyzed King