I agree with Fbu. Those type of pics require a certain bizzarre kind of wit, and you my friend, do not have it. Neither do I. But I gotta give you credit for trying. And he does have the gangster lean, that part is funny.
Just so you know...i didnt make the pic i just found it online i also found this EDIT: So if the grunt isnt funny, is this one? :-\
Please refrain from double posting in future mackmack, edit into your first post. I did this for you, this time.
Those are just copy cats of the posters from despair.com, now those are funny! Esponeo what is funny to you? Not to put you on the spot just wandering what makes you laugh.
rusty I was thinking the same thing either this guy is miserable or he is just a hard ass when it comes to being pleased. I have never seen him compliment anything.
I am certainly not miserable. Rusty I would not recommend trying to better understand me, even if you must do so for rather opaque reasoning. Any personality of mine that I allow others to see is a ruse. The Office, older The Simpsons episodes, Family Guy, American Dad, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Becker, Seinfeld, Bill Murray, Steve Martin, Seth Rogen, anything not starring Vince Vaughn or Ben Stiller..