
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by mackmack, Feb 9, 2008.

  1. mackmack

    mackmack Ancient
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    Longshot is, the first map that I have taken the time to perfect to perfection. Every weapon, spawn point, grenade, and power up has been carefully arranged to best suit this map. I have renovated it so many times; I have lost track of what version I am on. Over the past month, it has been tested about 50 times, so I think it is ready for the forging community. Now, for what you came for, I give you:

    Longshot is a symmetrical map suited for multiple game types. I got my inspiration for this map from Tunnel Raid 2.0, By: xAoTx diffuse . It can be played on Slayer, King of The Hill, Territories, Odd Ball, and VIP, but especially shines on Capture The Flag and Assault.

    :squirrel_rocking:Download Map :squirrel_rocking:

    Gametypes Designed for the map:

    :squirrel_rocking:Slayer :squirrel_rocking:
    :squirrel_rocking:King of The Hill :squirrel_rocking:
    :squirrel_rocking:Territories :squirrel_rocking:
    (Territories game varient made by AZN FTW)
    :squirrel_rocking:VIP :squirrel_rocking:
    :squirrel_rocking:Odd Ball :squirrel_rocking:
    :squirrel_rocking:Capture The Flag :squirrel_rocking:
    :squirrel_rocking:Assault :squirrel_rocking:​


    (Front of base)
    (Back of base)
    (Side/Secondary base)
    (Hiding spot)
    (Hallway connecting the two bases)
    (Penalty room)
    (Bubble Shields/Regenerators are helpful!)


    Thank you in advance for your posts and/or downloads, and if you could, please rate it and comment on the Bungie forum. I appreciate you taking the time to check out my map.


    P.S. I would loke to thank everyone who has helped me to test this map. Without you, I could have never made it better! :squirrel_hug:
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Ah, yes. The old Forge tactic of blocking off parts of maps and using them as maps. Obviously, very creative.
    Of course, this is exactly what I did, so meh. This looks good, though I don't understand what this 'Penalty Room' is for.
  3. mackmack

    mackmack Ancient
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    The "penalty room" is where people are telaported to if they try yo get out of the map. I used window panels to block off one area because they fit the best, and if you try hard wou can get out of the windows, so I lined thin with sender nodes. Pretty much, the pennalty box is only used if people try to get out of the map

    P.S. sorry if this dosen't make allot of sense, I have been up for about 50 hours, and I am kinda tired :squirrel_sleepy: ??
  4. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    I played this with you yesterday.

    I'm still annoyed that you got the map posted first. :squirrel_rant:

    Anyways, shield doors + shotguns/swords/maulers/hammers = major camping game.
  5. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Also, why are there Emma-Gees? Especially in one narrow corridor. That is rather foolish. And why swords? This is a cramped map, so why are there so much OP?
    I don't understand why there's a penalty box that you get teleported to if you try to get out when it seems easy enough just to block it off with walls and boxes.
  6. A Nasty Fresh

    A Nasty Fresh Ancient
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    This map looks really cool. It has inspired me to make a remake of one of my maps called Sniper Hell on santrap. I haven't posted it but yeah. Nice job. Love it
  7. mackmack

    mackmack Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am glad I have inspired you. thank you
  8. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    This is a great post besides the extensive use of squirrels. The map seems good too, but I do not understand the reasoning behind the location you placed the turrets. They must be intended to be ripped off because any enemy rounding the corner would kill the guy who is manning the turret before he even could figure out what happened. A well placed grenade off the wall would do the same. Other than that I like the map though, good work.
  9. mackmack

    mackmack Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I put the squirrels on ether side of the download links.

    Spam warning, yep that means your rank pictures is going to be changed. -Grif

    Griff, This isnt spam. i was telling him why i put the squirrels there.

  10. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Downloaded the map it was really fun good work on that MackMack5. :squirrel_hug:
  11. cubs199235

    cubs199235 Ancient
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    does look really fun, but too similar to tunnel raid for me to DL

    nice idea though

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