Bungie most likely took the beam rifle out and made the sniper a nuetral weapon. Hooray for the weapon layout, it's really good this time. I love it.
Is it just me or in all of the gameplay videos, no one ever goes to the side of the map with the docks. So on the overhead view its from the bubbleshield past the active camo and shotty to the plasma nades and battle rifle. I wonder if they were told not go over there for some secret reason. Or something. And i dont think ive seen all the gameplay vids but of the ones ive seen they pretty much showed off the whole map except that area. Just curious about that?
MAYBE they couldve even been playing Fiesta Slayer for fun, since those pictures were taken in NOT team slayer?
or maybe theyre all just nubs. in the vid, the "sparklabaa" gt users couldnt even aim right. who knows. but im ****ing all for dinghy wars!
I really hope that Bungie didn't screw up the outside of the map with death barriers, I really hate them.
who doesnt? well, they would have had to put a death barrier at some point, its not like theyre gonna let us go really far away from the normal map.
I'm guessing Its about the barriers of Blackout, where you can go out pretty far, and still fall pretty good distance before dieing. Maybe even a large spot into the sky where we can make more maps like interrobang
In one regular slayer gameplay video, the player actually went out to the docks. When I saw it, I said, "New D-Day maps, comin' up!" I hope the dinghies are movable too.
i highly doubt we can go very far out into the water, or really easily block off portions of the map. its like a forging combination of rats nest and foundry.
You never know what items we get. We may have sandboxy items like coloumns, or slit walls. and stuff like that. You never know how hard it would be to block off. and God Almighty am I hoping the dingies are deletable.