Sandbox Longevity

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Col Keller, Jun 22, 2009.

  1. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Longevity V1.3 UPDATED!!!



    Long Before space travel this complex, UNSC researchers believe, was used to study the stars and the heavens alike.
    2-8 players

    Longevity: n 1.A: a long duration of individual life. 1.B: length of life <a study of ~> 2.: Long Continuation; esp: SENIORITY
    Hello Forgehub, while this is not my first forged map, this is my first map submitted to Forgehub. This map was supposed to be entered into the Forgotten Treasure contest, but as a result of a red ring of death 2 nights before entry i was unable. So i give you it now. All feedback is welcome, just keep it constructive. please. Anyways let us get on with the map. This is a remake of the Halo CE map, longest. Note the name similarities, uncanny I know. About 60 hours went into this map between planning building, and all round adjustments. But most of the hours went into the unique ascetic structures, as you will see.



    - date release: OUT

    What was addressed:
    - Center wall, moved to ease transition jumping from OS to blue high
    - Re-roofed for inescapably
    - Ladder aesthetics improved
    - Removed minor coincidental floor geometry
    - fixed spawn system for team slayer

    tested with FH TESTERS GUILD
    Status: Approved

    COMING SOON: MLG Longevity
    COMING SOON: Longevity PC


    Longevity is a team and FFA based map. Being true to the original all except i have tried to do away with spawn-killing. While all spawn-killing is impossible it is a million times better than longest's, insta-rape. Being symmetrical in every way you can think of this "long walk a down a short hallway" is quite correct. Weave in and out of the middle isle. My map so far is UNIQUE, being the only* map on Forgehub to host a LADDER or two in this case. (* only, as of right now, I'm sure people will start to include them in their maps) This revolutionary advancement has allowed me to create longest into Longevity with utmost accuracy to detail and play terrific. All of this was done without budget glitching... its really amazing!


    Weapon List
    I kept this map as true to original gameplay as i could, so here we go...
    - 2 Battle Rifles = replaces pistol
    - 2 Sub Machine Guns (SMG Dual) = replaces an AR on the map
    - 2 Plasma Rifles = Adds dual Plasma Rifles from the original one.
    - 2 Maulers = 2 shotguns from Halo: CE

    - 2 regenerators = Replaces or equivalent to health packs
    - 1 Active Camo = 1 Active camo
    - 1 Overshield = 1 Overshield
    - 4 plasma grenades
    - 4 frag grenades

    Forging 101
    Forging 101:
    [ YES ] __Floating Objects
    [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn
    [ YES ] __Immovable Objects
    [ ___] __Timed Map Events
    [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement
    [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques
    [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water
    [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option
    [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects
    [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch

    this IS NOT the video i promised i thought it would help though...

    Pictures are worth a thousand words, and in halo its also especially true. I'll just give you a little more to get you started.

    A Nice picture showing just how detailed this map really is...

    Blue base, Barricade, and Look at the detail, trimmed lights as well!

    On blue side; this ramp leads to the upper blue room

    This is the new "health pack", well its a regenerator

    And MORE DETAIL.... the revolutionary ladders... yes go ahead and stare
    And yes, they are fully functional!

    More detail, well as in a divot... CE pistol = Battle Rifle

    One of two windows you can so pleasantly hop through...

    Overshield spawn

    At the top of that ramp like i said... Upper blue room

    Divot again and grenades!

    A screen shot that defines my map, really its read base. 2 Plasma Grenades

    Close up at red wide divot

    Active Camo spawns on the other side

    reds regenerator... also once again detail!

    the divot, i don't know why but it is near to my favorite thing on the map.

    Well I hope you enjoy it, Feedback is welcome and will be appreciated.




    SPECIAL thanks to
    Crackgrahamer, Whitewrita, Beaubishesky, UncleTopher86, CYm WhiskersJr, SHADOWMGWAI
    these are the real heroes in testing and they gave me great feedback whenever we played.

    #1 Col Keller, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2009
  2. D1RTD1VER

    D1RTD1VER Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map looks great. I haven't got to play it but i have it qued and ready to play when i get off work. There a couple of remakes so far of longest but yours by far is the greatest mainly due to the actual ladders you created and the almost perfect layout and look. For a Halo CE remake, i give it a respectable 4.9/5. I'm no good at forging so I look forward to any other remakes you do!
  3. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
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    I agree! good map, from the pictures the forging looks really good and accurate to the original i loved Halo CE and it's Multiplayer maps, this one being one of my favourites, so i cannot wait to download and play! :) 5/5 for forging 4.5/5 for weapon placement (not too sure about the flamethrower being on the map perhaps use version of CE for the xbox not computer)
  4. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    yea, it was a gamble for me to put it in their but after testing it a couple of times it dose gives it a different feel but an interesting one. overall if i get enough feedback to take it out i will.

    PS: halo: CE: PC had 2 flamethrowers...

    BUT overall thanks for the great feedback, to be honest i was nervous about posting my map, but im feeling a little better now.
  5. MrWhite

    MrWhite Ancient
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    Nice post, Keller. While I wouldn't say spawn killing is impossible, the chance of it happening is very slim. Especially when you compare it to the original Longest. Having played on it I think it turned out very well. The ladders turned out fantastic and the whole "narrow hallway" feel is definitely there.

    4 out of 5 stars from me, buddy.

    Now.... onto the Beaver Creek remake!!
  6. TurretFrog

    TurretFrog Ancient
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    The revolutionary ladders! Brilliant! Honestly, I must say this is THE best remake of Longest I've ever seen. I was skeptical and confused as to why there was a flame thrower on the map, but if it is the PC version then, well... I don't know. What sets this map apart from many remakes I've seen of this map (including one of my own), besides the ladders (Brilliant!!!) is the detail. And by that I mean the dips in the floor. I also find the design of the pillars in each base amazing. Way to put in the aesthetics! Another plus is switching the shotguns out with maulers. Two shotguns would probably ruin the map in this game, unlike in CE.
  7. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    The ladders are all I care about. You made ladders work in Halo 3 multiplayer. You sir, are a god. Anyway I downloaded and will get back to you (if I can) with some criticism and complements. Keep up the awesome forging.
  8. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    Looks pretty good like every1 else has said. Definite DL for me. And not to be a downer, but ladders have been done b4(although not with scaffolds AFAIK).
  9. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yea, please get back if you can any feed back to help the map i will try to accomplish.... always room for new and improved verson 2 =P
  10. MDIGN

    MDIGN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is a great remake 4.5/5. some key parts are missing as shown in the pictures. so you may want to fix those in a V.2
    #10 MDIGN, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  11. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    like? i can't fix it if you don't even say what you are talking about....
  12. Beaubishesky

    Beaubishesky Ancient
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    What key parts are missing? I don't know if i am familiar with the map but specifying what is missing would probably help him and others to understand what major parts of the map are missing?
  13. Articonecro

    Articonecro Ancient
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    Okay dude, i think this map looks beautiful. It is by far the best remake map that i have seen so far on this site. The interlocking is beautiful, and the weapon placement is spot on. I haven't given it a play-thru yet, but i assure you that i have downloaded it, and it will be played.. On looks, i give it a 5/5, and if it plays just as good, rest assured i'll love it.
  14. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Seems to be good, MAYBE the best done yet. There is one very good that participated in the Forgotten Treasure contest, I'll download yours and compare to the other one. Then I'll post here again.
  15. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    thanks, i poured my heart, soul, and time.... lol the time is what cost the most, anyways i tried my hardest to make it as accurate as possible. And i really wish i could have posted it in the Forgotten treasure contest but my xbox had other ideas =P
  16. MDIGN

    MDIGN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    as you can see there are 2 little walls on the sides of the ladder
    while on yours I see none
    there should be a small colum on the left side of the flamethrower
    as shoen here

    there not actualy "key" parts but they make it look more remakey. =)
    Edit: sorry I meant to put 4.5/5 so I changed it
    #16 MDIGN, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  17. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    I remember playing this map! :D. it was so fun to play but always noob infested... Oh by the way your ladder looks great, i think your the first to do that will scaffholdings. Some of the parts are not very alike but the forging is great and gameplay looks fun, and thats the poimt, good job.
  18. DarkFalcon

    DarkFalcon Ancient
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    Wow, this is great remake, it's great, spotless merging from what I can see. Already downloaded and rated 10. Bonus because I love the Halo CE maps, I put it on my fileshare so others can also play.

    #18 DarkFalcon, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  19. UncleTopher86

    UncleTopher86 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Its Finally done Keller! Way to do a fantastic job. I can't wait for the Beaver/Battle Creek remake! Anyway, fantastic job on the ladders and way to perservere through MrWhites and my complaints about v.1 of the Ladders! (sorry for all that crap i was throwing your way, it wasnt all nessesary) 5/5 from me dude.

    (Edit: 10/10 on from me too.)
    #19 UncleTopher86, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
  20. Dr D04K

    Dr D04K Ancient
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    as MDIGN pointed out, you should try putting those pillars in, as they provide cover for people in the hallways

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